
wǎn fù zhàng mǎn
  • Abdominal distension;abdominal fullness and distention
脘腹胀满[wǎn fù zhàng mǎn]
  1. 广州市花城制药厂-消化不良,脘腹胀满,口苦口臭。

    Pharmaceutical Factory , Guangzhou , Flower City-indigestion , abdominal distention , pain bad breath mouth .

  2. 临床上将脘腹胀满,恶心,呕吐,暖气,腹泻便秘为主要表现或伴有精神不佳,四肢乏力等症状者归属中医脾胃病范畴。

    The clinical symptoms of abdominal distention , nausea , vomiting , diarrhea and constipation as well as depression and debilitation which belong to the category of the spleen and stomach disease of Traditional Chinese medicine .
