
  • energy production structure
  1. 煤炭一直以来在我国一次能源生产结构中占据70%左右,是我国重要的能源支柱。

    Coal has been the primary energy production structure in China occupies about 70 % of energy , which is an important pillar .

  2. 我国能源生产结构及变化趋势

    Energy Configuration and Direction in China

  3. 我国能源生产结构与消费结构的均衡性较差,抗风险能力较弱。

    Energy production and its consumption are out of balance in our country , and we have no ability to deal with energy crisis .

  4. 对能源生产和消费结构的影响;

    Influence on the structure of energy production and consumption ;

  5. 有关我国石油消费快速增长的思考&兼论一次能源生产与消费结构的变化趋势

    Deliberations on the Rapid Increase of China 's Petroleum Consumption-Discussion of Trends in Primary Energy Production and Consumption Struc - ture

  6. 未来相当长时间内,中国能源生产和消费结构仍将以煤为主,这为双方提供了技术合作的重要平台。

    For quite a long time in the future , China 's energy production and consumption will continue to be dominated by coal , which present us a vast platform for technical cooperation .

  7. 煤炭在中国一次能源生产和消费结构中始终占70%左右,据预测到2050年仍将占50%以上,因此,必须确保煤炭工业持续、稳定、健康地发展。

    Coal account for around 70 % of the one-off energy production and consumption in China consistently , is projected to be 50 % by 2050 , so the coal industry must develop persistently , steadily and healthily .

  8. 本文阐述了煤炭在我国能源生产与消费结构中的地位,明确提出了煤炭不但是我国的主要能源,而且是可以经济利用的能源,对国民经济的发展起着重要的支撑作用。

    The paper expounds the status of coal in the structure of energy sources production and consumption , and puts forward that coal is not only the primary energy in China , but also can be utilized economically , which has supported the development of national economy importantly .

  9. 在分析九五期间我国能源消费需求总量下降和能源生产以及消费结构变化原因的基础上,提出了几个值得探讨的问题。

    Several problems were put forward from the analyses of the total of energy requirement and the changes of energy production and consumption structure .

  10. 但是河北省的能源发展存在很多问题,能源生产和消费结构不合理、能源利用效率低下等问题尤为突出。

    However , there are many problems of energy industries in Hebei Province , such as unreasonable energy production and consumption structure and inefficient energy use .

  11. 我国正处于工业化、城镇化进程加快的时期,能源的需求日益增加,因此能源的生产结构是否合理成为制约我国经济发展的瓶颈。

    At present , our country enters a period for faster development of industrialization and urbanization . while the demand of energy is increasing faster and faster , whether the energy generation structure is reasonable has become a critical issue in our economic development .

  12. 煤炭是我国的基础能源,在我国一次能源生产和消费结构中始终占据70%左右。

    The coal is the basic energy in China , which occupies about 70 % in the structure of primary energy production and consumption .

  13. 模型既能用于能源宏观规划,又可以对能源的生产与消费结构进行优化。

    The model can be used not only for energy macroscopic plan , but also for optimization of energy production and consumption structure .

  14. 同时根据预测结果分析江苏及西部能源系统中存在的问题,如能源供需平衡、能源生产结构、能源消费结构等。

    At the same time , it analysis the existent problem of Jiangsu and west energy system according to in forecast result , such as balance between energy supply and demand , energy production structural , energy consumer structure .