
néng yuán wēi jī
  • energy crisis
  1. 石油短缺已经造成了能源危机。

    Oil shortages have brought on an energy crisis

  2. 当前,能源危机和环境污染促使以电动汽车(EV,electricvehicle)为主的低排放节能汽车得到了重视和发展。

    With the emergence of energy crisis and environmental pollution , low-emission and energy-conservation car relying mainly on electric vehicle ( EV ) has been paid attention to and developed .

  3. 它的普锐斯(Prius)多火呀特别是在2008年能源危机的时候人们要买一辆得排队等上几个月。

    Its Prius hybrid was so hot-particularly during the energy crisis in2008-that customers waited months in line to buy one .

  4. 近年来,随着能源危机的加剧,以及手机、笔记本电脑等便携式产品的日渐普及,人们对电源管理IC提出了越来越高的要求。

    Recently , with the deterioration of the energy crisis , as well as the popularization of the portable equipments like cellphone , handbook computer , people give more and more requirement to power management ICs .

  5. 分析了在能源危机日益深重的历史时代,时速400km的磁悬浮和时速300km的高速轮轨将造成国家难以承受的社会经济资源的巨大浪费和运营亏损。

    In the time with increasing energy crisis , the maglev train with speed of 400 km per hour and the high-speed rail system with speed of 300 km per hour will lead to the unbearable wastes of socio-economic resources and huge loss in operation .

  6. 世界出现能源危机与环境问题;

    The world appears the energy crisis and the environment question ;

  7. 世界性的能源危机和环境问题已经引起世界各国对节能技术的广泛关注。

    Energy crises and environmental problems have caused worldwide concerns to .

  8. 我国已经面临越来越严重的能源危机。

    Our country has faced more and more serious energy crisis .

  9. 该省今年面临着300万千瓦的能源危机。很多工厂被迫改用柴油发电机,或者完全停止运作。

    The province faces a3 million kilowatts energy crunch this year .

  10. 中国潜在的能源危机与电力需求侧管理

    China 's Latent Energy Resource Crisis and Administration of Power Demands

  11. 真的吗?我父亲总是提出能源危机的问题。

    Really ? My father always brings up the energy crisis .

  12. 步入21世纪,能源危机日益严峻。

    Into the 21st century , energy crisis is increasingly becoming serious .

  13. 王教授参加了能源危机的讨论会。

    Professor Wang participated in a panel to discuss the energy crisis .

  14. 能源危机是我们今天必须学会面对的另一个新问题。

    Energy crisis we face today have to learn another new problem .

  15. 现在世界又一次处在能源危机的边缘。

    Now the world is on the brink of another energy crisis .

  16. 由于能源危机,60年代起人们开始研究振动时效。

    Because of energy crisis , vibratory stress relief was studied from 60 's.

  17. 世界性的能源危机使节能成为工业发展的一个主题。

    Energy-saving has been a key subject due to now worldly energy crisis .

  18. 伴随着难以想像的能源危机。

    Along with an energy crisis of unfathomable proportions .

  19. 政府许诺迅速采取措施解决能源危机。

    The government has promised to take swift action on the energy crisis .

  20. 他们在能源危机时期尽量节省汽油。

    They scrimped on oil as best they could during the energy crisis .

  21. 能源危机危及世界经济的发展。

    The energy crisis stunted world economic growth .

  22. 中国能源危机问题的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of China 's Energy Crisis Problem

  23. 能源危机和环境污染急切需求电动汽车的迅速发展。

    Energy crisis and environmental pollution urgent need the rapid development of electric vehicles .

  24. 能源危机的加剧,使人们更加意识到节能的重要性。

    People aware of the importance of energy saving as energy crisis is grimmer .

  25. 光伏发电技术是解决能源危机的有效途径之一。

    Photovoltaic technology is an effective way for the alleviating of current energy crisis .

  26. 2008年的食品与能源危机是在提醒我们注意。

    The food and fuel crisis of 2008 is a cry for our attention .

  27. 世界性的能源危机使太阳能的利用显得日益重要和迫切。

    International energy crisis makes the use of solar energy increasingly important and urgent .

  28. 为开发可再生资源和缓解能源危机,研究了木质纤维原料的常压温和液化过程。

    Atmospheric pressure mild liquefaction processes were investigated to improve renewable energy resource utilization .

  29. 能源危机是现今全球性的问题。

    Energy crisis is a global issue today ( a worldwide problem nowadays ) .

  30. 第二种能源危机是新出现的,受到了气候变化的驱动。

    The second energy crisis is new . It is driven by climate change .