- 名collagen fibril

AIM : To observe the growth characteristics of fibroblasts on human amnion ( HAM ) and the occurrence of collagen fibril by co culture of fibroblasts and HAM so as to provide a basis for the HAM as the carrier of the skin tissue engineering .
Three-dimensional Structure of Collagen Fibril of Pigskin
There were both thin and thick collagen fibrils in the predentin and dentin .
The number of twisting collagenous fibrils closely correlated with the degree of fibrous degeneration .
Special Form of Collagen Fibrils
A thick reticular structure containing collagen fibrils and devoid of cellular elements was observed by TEM .
The collagens in creased .
These data are of importance for studying the formation and regulation mechanism of collagen fibrils in vivo .
Morphological changes of collagen fibrils during the formation of autogenous tendon induced by human hair keratin artificial tendon
These materials were released into the pseudocysts by cytoplasmic exocytosis , and formed collagenous fibrillae and elastic fibers .
Many broken cartilage cells could be observed and matrix collagenous fibril decreases obviously , but some cartilage cells proliferated .
Electron microscope shows type ⅱ pneumocyte degeneration , necrosis , abscission , quantity decrease , lamellated granule degeneration , collagenous fibril notable hyperplasia .
Conclusion : The ultrastructural changes such as collagenous fibril twists and dense particles are reliable indicators to identify the degree of nucleus pulposus degeneration .
All cells have secretory and absorptive functions besides4ibblasts and granular cells in connective tissue , there are myofibril , collagenous fibril and unmyelinated fibers .
Morphological changes & penetration of na ~ + and ca ~ ( 2 + ) in pigskin collagen fibrils during the process of caustic soda and lime swelling
The basal membrane of fusiform fibroblasts with oval nucleus and rich in chromatin reached much protuberance into matrix of HA ECM and collagen fibril cumulating outside cells .
The structure of endothelial cells of capillaries was changed , the basal lamina became thicker and the pericapillary space became broader with a lot of collagen fibrils .
The data of electron microscopic histochemical study showed that some slender collagen fibers and heavily stained elastic fibers were dispersed around myoepithelioma cells and in mucoid tissue .
Methods Scanning Probe Microscope ( SPM ) and Transmission Electron Microscope ( TEM ) were employed to study the three dimensional structure of collagen fibril in pigskin tissue .
The collagen fibrils in the dentine of aging rat enlarged in its diameter , and were denser in the pattern of their distribution and ran randomly in their direction .
At the 8 weeks after the transplantation , The bioartificial aponeurosis were absorbed , where there were abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum , fibroblasts , and collagen fibrils of different sizes .
The consequence of electron microscope showed swollen mitochondria , empty lamellar bodies in type ⅱ alveolar epithelial , and massive procollagen fibers deposited in the extracellular matrix in the 14th and 21st day .
Ultrastructure observation : In the 8-week group , collagen fibers in the experimental toes became mature and arranged regularly with clear striae in fiber cycle . A decrease in the number of vacuoles in cytoplasm of tendon cells was found .
Fibrillogenesis in vitro of type ⅱ collagen of cartilage from the rat