
dòng tǐ
  • carcass;corpus
胴体 [dòng tǐ]
  • [corpus] 躯干,特指牲畜屠宰后,除去头、尾、四肢、内脏等剩下的部分

胴体[dòng tǐ]
  1. 猪个体DNA甲基化百分差异与胴体性状的关系

    Relationship between Individual DNA Methylation Percentage Difference and Carcass Traits in Pig

  2. 两种饲喂方式下,自由采食组日增重显著大于限制饲喂组(P<0.05),饲料报酬、胴体长差异均不显著(P>0.05)。

    The differences of feed conversion and carcass length of two feeding regimes were not significant ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 这位佳人似乎给自己那被晒成小麦色的胴体都剃了毛,因此,为避免私处冻伤,她给自己穿上了厚厚的一层皮毛。

    Having seemingly waxed every hair from her sun-kissed body , the beauty avoided frostbite to her most private regions with the help of a thick covering of fur .

  4. 鸡的微卫星DNA标记与胴体性状的相关分析

    Analysis of Relationships Between Microsatellite DNA Markers and Meat Production Traits in Chickens

  5. 维生素E对生长肥育猪的生长、胴体以及肉质性能参数的影响

    Influences of Vitamin E on the Growth Carcass and Meat Quality Parameters of Crossbred Growing-Finishing Pigs

  6. 胴体品质各项指标差异不显著(P>0.05);

    But there was no any significant difference ( p > 0.05 ) in carcass qualities between the test groups and the contrast .

  7. 试验期为6周,测定其生产性能指标、养分表观代谢率、胴体品质指标、肠道菌群及pH值、免疫机能指标。

    The parameter of productive performance , nutrients metabolism , carcass quality , intestinal microflora , pH value and immune function were determined .

  8. 长白猪胴体品质选择的研究在大白猪、长白猪中没发现纯AA基因型。

    Selection of Carcass Quality in Landrace Pigs There was no genotype AA in Landrace and Yorkshire .

  9. 牛TG基因启动子区遗传变异与肉质和胴体性状的相关性研究

    Genetic Variations in Promoter Region of TG Gene and Its Association with Carcass and Meat Quality Traits in Cattle

  10. 试验组Ⅱ的胴体性能和肉质性状均未产生显著变化(P0.05)。

    The carcass performance and meat quality of test group ⅱ had no significant change compared with the control ( P 0.05 ) .

  11. Ⅱ组与Ⅰ组比较,眼肌面积差异显著(P<0.05),背膘厚、胴体脂肪差异极显著(P<0.01)。

    Ribeye area of group II , compare with group I , had difference ( P < 0.05 ), while backfat and carcass fat had the extreme difference ( P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 中草药饲料添加剂组的胴体瘦肉率、眼肌面积分别比对照组提高了4.92%(P<0.05),11.78%(P<0.05));

    Compared with the control group , lean meat percentage , rib-eye areas of the Chinese herb feed additive group were increased by 4,92 % ( p0.05 ), 11.78 % ( p0.05 ) respectively .

  13. 极显著地增加FOM肉脂仪测定的胴体瘦肉率(P<0.01),显著降低胴体背膘厚度,提高FOM测定的胴体等级(P<0.05);

    B allele can also significantly increase FOM carcass lean percent and decrease the fat thickness ( PO . 05 ) .

  14. TMR饲料对肉用牛生长发育及胴体品质的影响

    Effects of TMR on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of meat cattle

  15. EGB可以在一定程度上改善肉鸡胴体品质。

    EGB could improve carcass characteristics to some extent .

  16. Terbutaline对肉仔鸡胴体组成及体内物质代谢的影响

    Effect of Terbutaline on Carcass Composition and Nutrient Metabolism in Broilers

  17. 运用PCR-RFLP法验证并分析该位点在不同群体间的多态性,并与相应牛群体的胴体性状进行关联分析。

    Polymorphism and relationship with the carcass traits was analysised by PCR-RFLP in different populations .

  18. 饲料中添加Clenbuterol对杂交肉猪的生产性能和胴体品质的影响

    Effects of β - adrenoceptor agonist-clenbuterol on the production performance and carcass merit of cross Baed pig

  19. 猪屠宰后,测定猪的胴体长、眼肌面积、肉色评分、大理石纹、pH疽和滴水损失,以及肌肉中的蛋白质和脂肪含量。

    Carcass length , Lion - eye area , color of meat , marbling score , pH value , drip loss and fat : protein rations of pigs were detected after pigs were slaughtered .

  20. 基于Ohta和RGB颜色空间牛胴体背长肌的分割

    Segmentation of longissimus dorsi in beef carcass based on Ohta and RGB color systems

  21. 饲粮中分别添加10mg/kg、50mg/kg的那西肽对猪的胴体品质和猪肉品质没有不良影响;

    There wasn 't any adverse effect on characteristics and quality of carcass when added 10mg / kg and 50mg / kg nosiheptide to diet .

  22. 两种方法获取的80头猪胴体背最长肌肉色参数经逐步回归和BP人工神经网络建立了肉色预测模型并对其预测效果进行了比较评价。

    Color features from 80 carcass longissimus dorsi muscles were used to establish color score prediction models by stepwise regression and BP artificial neural net work ( ANN ) and the prediction models were evaluated comparatively .

  23. 兔胴体中兔出血症病毒(RHDV)的检测

    The detection of RHDV from rabbit carcasses

  24. 绵羊胴体成分性状QTL的元分析及相关基因的克隆、时空表达谱分析

    Genetic Architecture of Carcass Composition in Sheep as Inferred from Quantitative Trait Loci Meta-analysis and Cloning , Spatiotemporal Expression Profiles Analysis of Genes Related to the Trait

  25. 本试验旨在研究果寡糖(FOS)对固始鸡生产性能、胴体组成和肉品质的影响,并确定果寡糖的最佳添加剂量。

    The study was conducted to investigate the effects of fructooligosaccharide ( FOS ) on the growth performance and carcass composition and meat quality of Gushi chickens .

  26. 根据线性回归分析结果,GPT活性可作为选择胴体产肉率、肉骨比的参考指标,GOT活性可作为选择眼肌面积的参考指标。

    According to the results of regression , GPT may be used to select ratio of carcass meat and ratio of meat to bone , while GOT may be used to select eye-muscle area .

  27. 通过大型临床防病试验,探索出了一套既能够有效防治肉鸡肺动脉高压综合征(Pulmonaryhypertensionsyndrome,PHS),又不影响肉鸡生产性能和胴体品质的早期限饲措施;

    Undergoing large-scale field trials , a set of early feed restriction regimes were established to reduce the pulmonary hypertension syndrome ( PHS ) morbidity without negative influence on the performance characteristics and carcass traits of broiler .

  28. AKP活性与平均日增重和眼肌面积的相关分别为-0.2317和-0.3295,而与胴体成份的相关较小。

    The activity of AKP was negatively related to average daily gain and eye muscle area , and they were -0.2317 and -0.3295 respectively .

  29. 100kg时屠宰进行胴体品质测定。

    Carcass characters were measured at 100 kg .

  30. 证明dbcAMP制剂明显提高猪的生长性能,改善胴体组成。

    The results indicate that dbcAMP can promote pig growth and improve its carcass composition .