
fèi chōnɡ xuè
  • pulmonary congestion;congestion of the lungs;pneumonemia;stethemia
  1. 他得了严重的肺充血。

    He had a serious congestion of the lungs .

  2. 肉鸡腹水综合征(AscitesSyndrome,AS)是一种非传染性疾病,临床上以显著的腹腔积水、右心室肥大/衰竭、肺充血、水肿以及肝淤血为主要特征。

    Ascites Syndrome ( AS ) is a non-communicable diseases . Clinically characterized by significant ascites , right ventricular hypertrophy / failure , pulmonary congestion , edema and liver congestion / swelling .

  3. 观察组:97例CHD患儿,其中肺充血组69例,肺缺血组28例;

    Observation group : Selected 97 CHD patients including 69 pulmonary congestive CHD patients and 28 pulmonary ischemic CHD patients .

  4. 肺充血和出血。

    Hyperemia and haemorrhage occurred in the lungs .

  5. 兔肺充血模型与血浆内皮素变化及内皮素受体表达的关系

    The Expression and Its Pathogenetic of Endothelin Receptors in Systemic and Pulmonary Circulation in Rabbit Model with Left-to-Right Shunt

  6. 减轻发病动物脑肺充血、出血、水肿现象和肝肾病理损害程度。

    It could also alleviate congestion , hemorrhage , and edema in brain and lung and pathological damage to liver and kidney .

  7. 剖检病变为咽喉充血,肺充血,脾脏稍肿。对一般的抗菌药物如青霉素、链霉素均无良好疗效。

    Dispelling and examining it , fauces hyperaemia , spleen turgescence and lung hyperaemia were showed , and it wasn 't curative to ecumenical antibacterial such as penicillin and streptomycin .

  8. 指出肺充血、水肿、出血以及肺泡壁Ⅰ、Ⅱ型上皮细胞的肿胀变性和某些功能的改变等是构成肺失肃降的病理之一。

    It is pointed out that the pulmonary congestion , edema and hemorrhage , swelling degeneration of ⅰ and ⅱ types of pulmonary epithelia cells , and some functional changes are the pathological bases for resulting in failure of lung in depurative descending .

  9. 模型组肺泡腔变窄,肺泡壁增厚;肺充血,肺间质水肿,可见炎细胞浸润,肺泡腔内可见粒细胞明显增多,并见局部肺气肿。

    But there were obvious differences in the model group , such as narrowed alveolar space , thickened alveolar wall , lung congestion , pulmonary edema , infiltration of inflammatory cells , markedly increased of cavity tablets alveolar cells , and local emphysema .

  10. 结论采用肾上腺素皮下注射可成功制作严重肺血管充血所致弥漫性肺出血幼龄大鼠模型。

    Conclusions The model of diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage in immature rats can be established with epinephrine by subcutaneous injection from serious congestion of pulmonary vessels .

  11. 大鼠的肺也出现充血、水肿、出血。

    Edema , congestion and hemorrhage were also found in lungs .

  12. 大体标本观察:模型组肺表面可见充血肿胀及点状出血灶,假手术组与正常对照组则无明显病理改变。

    Engorgement and hemorrhagic focus were observed on the surface of lung in model group , no obvious pathologic change was observed in sham group and control group .

  13. 目的模拟临床肺血管严重充血的病因,建立弥漫性肺出血幼龄大鼠模型以期有助于对新生儿肺出血的研究。

    Objective Imitating clinical etiology of congestion of pulmonary vessels , the model of diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage was established in immature rats for research on pulmonary hemorrhage in the newborn .

  14. 光镜观察发现:肺毛细血管扩张充血、间质和肺泡出血、肺间质中炎细胞浸润、肺水肿、肺不张和脂肪栓塞等病理变化。

    Under light microscopy , the pathological features were marked capillary congestion , extravasation of red cells in either the interstitium or alveolar spaces , atelectasis , leucocyte infiltration of the interstitium , mild pulmonary edema , and fat emboli in the small vessels .

  15. ASD患者长期左向右分流可导致右心容量负荷过重、肺动脉高压、充血性心力衰竭及房性心律失常。

    Long-term left to right shunt in ASD leads to the development of right heart volume overload , secondary pulmonary hypertension , congestive heart failure and atrial arrhythmias .

  16. 在光镜下,A组、B组4d肺组织局部出现充血、出血及炎性肉芽肿,9d、15d病变加重;

    Under light microscope , local lung tissue of both group A and B rabbits developed hyperemia , hemorrhage and granulomatous inflammation 4 days after infusion , and became worse 9 days and 15 days after infusion .

  17. 病理组织学变化以心、肝、肺、肾发生充血、淤血、水肿及实质细胞发生损伤性变化为主。

    The changes of histopathology wre mainly hyperemia , congestion and edema in heart , liver , lung and kidney and injury of parenchymal cells .

  18. 结果光镜检查见肺组织毛细血管扩张充血,白细胞集聚,肺组织散在片状出血、灶状坏死及透明膜形成;

    Results in microscope , the main features wer pulmonary capillary congestion with white blood cells agglutination , scattered hemorrhage and focal necrosis of pneumal tissue as well as hyaline formation in alveoli ;

  19. 方法运用倾向评分比较平衡前后两组间差异的改变情况,评价放弃心肺复苏急救与充血性心力衰竭患者院内死亡的联系。

    Methods Propensity score method was used to compare the differences of character variables between two groups , and the association of DNR ( Do Not Resuscitate ) with the mortality of congestive heart failure was evaluated with different methods .

  20. 肺血管周围的肺间质充血、水肿。

    There were congestion , edema of pulmonary interstitial around vessels .

  21. 肺组织形态学变化:A组肺毛细血管充血、出血程度轻于B组,肺泡扩张程度好于B组。

    The changes of lung morphology were less in group A than in group B , but more than in group C.

  22. 结论食管癌根治术时应用单肺通气可减少因外力挤压造成的肺充血水肿,减轻对弥散功能的影响;术中视野清楚,缩短了手术时间,使PaO2明显提高,利于恢复。

    CONCLUSIONS The patients undergoing single lung ventilation for esophagectomy had a clearer operative vision , shorter operative time and higher value of postoperative PaO 2 .

  23. 肺组织病理学显示ICH组肺损伤严重,肺充血、出血明显,肺上皮细胞凋亡小体形成。

    Pulmonary histopathology of ICH pneumonia revealed serious lung injury , pulmonary congestion and hemorrhage .

  24. 结果发现,胰腺炎后6h肺系数和肺血管外水量显著增高,肺有充血、出血、水肿和肺不张。

    It was found that lung index and extravascular lung water were significantly increased 6 h after the induction of pancreatitis .

  25. 结果4例肝移植术后出现各种呼吸道并发症19例次,包括肝肺综合征、胸腔积液、肺不张、肺充血、肺间质水肿、肺感染及呼吸道出血。

    Results In the 4 patients , there were a total of 19 times of respiratory complications including hepatopulmonary syndrome , pleural effusion , atelectasis , stethemia , pulmonary interstitial edema , pneumonia and tracheorrhagia .

  26. 肺组织学研究显示:海水灌注实验动物肺在低垂部位充血水肿明显,呈肝样变,切面呈暗红色,有粉红色水肿液溢出。

    The histological study showed that in the experimental group , the downward sites of lungs appeared congested and edematous , which was called " hepatization " . On cut surface , the lesions became dark red with the effusion of reddish edematous fluid .