
  • 网络intercostal artery;Aa. intercostales
  1. 再深几毫米,就会擦破肋间动脉。

    A few millimeters deeper , it would have nicked the intercostal artery .

  2. 结论:肋间动脉栓塞联合胸椎肿瘤切除术对胸椎肿瘤具有较好的治疗效果。

    Conclusions : Tumor removal and intercostal artery embolization have better effect on thoracic vertebrae tumor .

  3. DSA引导下肋间动脉栓塞法分度建立犬脊髓缺血模型及扩散加权成像初步研究

    DSA-guided embolization in establishing different canine spinal cord ischemia models and relevant diffusion-weighted imaging study

  4. DSA支气管动脉造影:所有犬支气管动脉均与肋间动脉共干。

    DSA : bronchial artery and intercostal arteries of all dogs are from the same trunk .

  5. 8例cineMRI或(和)MRA均能显示狭窄段和扩张的肋间动脉和乳内动脉等侧支循环。

    The stenotic segment and collateral circulation were displayed by Cine MRI and / or MRA ( 8 / 8 , 100 % ) .

  6. 经导管肋间动脉灌注化疗肋骨转移瘤17例

    Transcatheter Intercostal Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy for 17 Cases with Costal Metastasis

  7. 选择性肋间动脉灌注在主动脉手术中的脊髓保护作用

    Spinal cord protection of selective intercostal arterial perfusion during aortic surgery

  8. 肋间动脉栓塞胸椎肿瘤切除术的作用评价

    Effective evaluation of tumor removal and intercostal artery embolization on thoracic vertebrae tumor

  9. 肋间动脉皮穿支超薄皮瓣治疗手指脱套伤

    Treatment for tearing injuries of finger skin with thin flap of intercostals artery perforating branch

  10. 胸腹主动脉瘤手术中重建肋间动脉的简易方法

    A simple surgery technique for intercostals artery preservation in thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair

  11. 右支气管动脉与肋间动脉共干35支,左支气管动脉与肋间动脉共干1支,左、右共干23支。

    35 right bronchial arteries were co-originated with intercostals arteries , and 1 left side co-originated .

  12. 以4~9肋间动脉皮穿支为蒂的肋间穿支皮瓣可设计成斜型或垂直型。

    The np - thin intercostal flap was formed with 4th - 9th intercostal cutaneous perforator ( ICP ) .

  13. 方法:应用肋间动脉栓塞后肿瘤切除术治疗11例胸椎肿瘤病人。

    Methods : 11 cases having thoracic vertebrae tumor treated with tumor removal after intercostal artery embolization were reported .

  14. 结论:1、六线六结法开胸能有效避免肋间动脉出血、减少气胸的发生。

    Conclusion : The method of six sutures and six knots can successfully reduce intercostal arterial hemorrhage and Pneumothorax formation .

  15. 比较伤后各组死亡率、胸腔失血量、血压和心率变化,死后常规解剖,并测定断裂肋间动脉失血速度。

    The mortality , hemorrhage quantity in thoracic cavity , blood pressure and heart rate changes after the trauma were observed .

  16. 方法:32例经内科治疗无效的咯血患者对其支气管动脉、肋间动脉或胸廓内动脉等供血动脉行灌注-栓塞法治疗。

    Methods : Thirty-two patients with hemoptysis were performed infusion-embolization therapy of the bronchial artery branches , intercostal artery and internal thoracic artery .

  17. 介入治疗过程中,肺癌供血动脉可发生改变:本组3例,原由支气管动脉或肋间动脉供血,经介入治疗几次后而改由其它体循环动脉供血。

    3 cases of primary lung cancer supplied originally by bronchial arteries which obliterated after first therapy and substituted by other systemic arteries .

  18. 第3肋间动脉、静脉有多个分支在胸膜与骨膜之间上行分布于上位肋间肌。实验获得满意效果,气管成型手术的犬与非手术犬一样正常活动。

    Many branches of the 3rd intercostal artery and tributaries of the vein ran upward between the pleura and periosteum to distribute to superior intercostal muscle .

  19. 结果于近端切断胸廓内动脉可以保证该动脉逆向供血,血供来源于下位肋间动脉、肌隔动脉和腹壁上动脉。

    Results ITA can get blood supply from the inferior intercostal arteries , musculophrenic artery and superior epigastric artery , if its proximal end was divided .

  20. 预扎肋间动脉及临时造成人工气胸防止肺实质损伤,可减轻枪伤早期的心血管功能障碍。

    The ligation of the intercostal artery and the temporary artificial pneumothorax to prevent the pulmonary injury can reduce cardiovascular dysfunction in the early period of the wound .

  21. 结果主动脉弓整体的轴线向近心端倾斜,近心端位移值最大,肋间动脉处位移值最小。

    Results The holistic axes of aortic arch lean to the place close to heart in which the most displacement occurs , and the least displacement occurs in the artery of rib .

  22. 选择性栓塞供血分支能有效止血,且副反应较轻。术后4例(9.1%)出现肋间动脉缺血和/或一过性脊髓缺血,均为非超选择性栓塞组,组间结果差异无统计学意义。

    The selective embolism of blood-supplying arteries can effective hemostasia , and the side reaction is mild . Severe complications happened in 4 cases ( 9.1 % ), all with selective embolism technique .

  23. 85%的家兔有2根以上肋间动脉断裂,单根肋间动脉失血速度在主动脉压为10.6kPa时为(4.9±1.0)mL。

    There were more than two costal fractures in 85 % rabbits . The intercostal artery hemorrhage velocity was ( 4.9 ± 1.0 ) mL · min - 1 under 10.6 kPa aortic pressure .

  24. 明胶海绵加丝线栓塞组,脊髓损伤及肺动脉栓塞1.1%,异位栓塞及肋间动脉缺血均为3.2%。

    In gelfoam particle and silk thread embolism group : both lung infarct and transverse myelitis were 1.1 % , both the reflux of embolic material into the aorta without adverse sequelae and intercostal artery ischemia were 3.2 % .

  25. 10例周围型肺癌中有5例由肿瘤性支气管动脉供血,其中2例同时由肿瘤性支气管动脉和肿瘤性肋间动脉供血,5例找不到明确的供血血管。

    Of 10 cases of peripheral lung cancer , 5 cases were supplied by the bronchial artery , 2 cases from them by the bronchial artery and intercostal artery . In other 5 cases the supplying artery could not the determined .

  26. 结果16例经19次治疗,行支气管动脉、肋间动脉联合栓塞15例,单独栓塞肋间动脉1例。

    Results Sixteen patients with hemoptysis were treated by 19 times of embolization involving both intercostal arteries and bronchial arteries in 15 cases and only intercostal artery in 1 case . Hemoptysis was disappeared right after the procedure in 13 cases ( 81.3 % ) .

  27. 结果①背阔肌肌肉及其表面的皮下组织、皮肤是多源性供血,以胸背动脉及其肌皮穿支为主要供血官支,同时还有肋间动脉、腰动脉、直接皮动脉支供血。

    Results ( 1 ) The blood supply of latissmus dorsi and subcutaneous tissue was from various artery , such as : TA , musculocutaneous perforator , intercostal artery , lumbar artery and direct cutaneous artery , with TA and musculocutaneous perforator accountered for the most .

  28. 目的评价多层螺旋CT(MSCT)对肋间后动脉显示的价值。

    Objective To assess the ability of contrast-enhanced multislice helical computed tomography ( MSCT ) to depict the posterior intercostal artery ( PICA ) .

  29. 目的利用16层CT血管造影(CTA)研究评价肋间支气管动脉(ICBA)三维影像解剖学特征。

    Purpose : To investigate the angiographic anatomy of intercostal bronchial arteries ( ICBA ) using 16-slices CT .

  30. 结果:①在第5~9肋间后动脉,侧副支起始处距椎体侧缘的距离平均为(2.3±0.3)cm;

    Results : ① The average distance from the start point of collateral branch to the rim of vertebra were 2.3 ± 0.3 cm in the 5th - 9th intercostal space .