
lián hé jiàn duì
  • combined fleet
  1. 他命令联合舰队将军队护送到那不勒斯。

    He ordered the combined fleet to convoy troops to Naples .

  2. 联合舰队被派往地中海地区。

    The combined fleet was assigned to the Mediterranean area .

  3. 我们过去在大西洋经常消灭很多联合舰队。

    We used to erase so much allied shipping in the atlantic .

  4. 这支联合舰队全副武装。

    The combined fleet is armed to the teeth .

  5. 四要大力培育优势企业群体,组建联合舰队;

    Fourthly , greatly develop the preponderant enterprises group and organize associated enterprises group ;

  6. 以金钥匙品牌为纽带&组建中国旅游饭店业的联合舰队

    Linking with Golden Key Brand , Establish Coalition Fleet of China 's Tourism Hotel Industry

  7. 亚姆斯特朗和格陵赖斯等组成的联合舰队,与美国在台北的全明星球队举行两场友谊对抗赛。

    J.Armstrong and Glen Rice in two friendship games against the Super Basketball League ( SBL ) All-Stars team in Taipei .

  8. 公元前31年,他和克娄帕特拉的联合舰队被屋大维的舰队击败,他俩绝望自杀。

    The combined fleets of Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by Octavian 's fleet in31 BC , and in despair the two lovers committed suicide .

  9. 该模型描绘了1805年,“胜利号”前往特拉法尔海战、在海军名将纳尔逊勋爵指挥下一举击败由拿破仑率领的法国、西班牙联合舰队时的勃勃雄姿。

    The warship is depicted in full sail as she headed for the battle of Trafalgar and triumph over the French and Spanish fleets in1805 .

  10. 在这个阶段,报业网站呈现出三种基本发展模式,即报纸网络版模式、门户网站模式和“联合舰队”模式。

    At this stage , Newspaper websites showing three basic models of development thatnewspaper Internet edition models , portal model and the " Joint Fleet " model .

  11. 本文着重分析20世纪50年代中后期在中苏军事合作方面所发生的三个事件,即远东防空协定问题、建立长波电台问题和组建联合舰队问题。

    This article analyzes three disputes between China and the Soviet Union on signing aerial defense agreement , building long wave transmitter-receiver and establishing combined fleet in the military cooperation happened in the middle and late 1950s .

  12. 自1995年大陆新闻媒体开始拓展网上发展空间以来,不少新闻媒体网站已从原始的网络版或电子版形态,发展到组建联合舰队决心在网络空间扩展自己的影响力。

    Since landing the cyberspace in 1995 , the media websites in the mainland have taken a stride from their primitive " web stereotype " to " united fleet " with an intention of improving their common influence on internet .

  13. 英国在敦刻尔克撤退后,丘吉尔便担心法国的舰队会落入德军手里,可想而知,法德联合舰队对于英国皇家舰队而言是多大的威胁,于是他认为必须要解决这个风险。

    After the British evacuation at Dunkirk , Churchill was worried that the French Fleet would fall into German hands . A joint French-German Fleet would be a serious threat to the Royal Navy , and Churchill thought the risk should be dealt with .

  14. 要促进英山茶叶产业的进一步发展,建议当地政府、企业和农户必须以注册英山原产地证明商标为契机,打造统一的区位品牌,组建英山茶业联合舰队,提高地区茶叶产业竞争力。

    To promote the industry 's further development of Yingshan tea and increase the competition ability of the local tea industry , Yingshan government and tea business and the farmers must register the unified local tea trademark , build a united area brand , and organize a Yingshan tea ally .

  15. 1865年,在西班牙和一支秘鲁-智力联合的舰队间发生的帕普多战役。

    The Battle of Papudo between Spain and a combined Peruvian-Chilean fleet .

  16. 英国官员称,皇家海军在联合海军舰队中扮演着举足轻重的角色,该舰队总部位于巴林,在海上执行打击恐怖主义和海盗活动的任务。

    According to UK officials , the Royal Navy plays a substantial role as part of the combined maritime forces fleet which has its headquarters in Bahrain and operates to contain terrorism and piracy at sea .