
  • 网络shade-tolerance;shade tolerance;shade resistance
  1. 几种(品种)狼尾草属观赏草的耐荫性研究

    Study on Shade-tolerance of Several Ornamental Grasses of the Genus Pennisetum

  2. 12种园林植物耐荫性鉴定指标的筛选

    Selection of Shade-Tolerance Identification Indices for 12 Garden Plant Species

  3. 四种野生地被植物耐荫性研究

    Study on the Shade Tolerance of Four Species Wild Ground Covers

  4. 11种地被植物的耐荫性研究

    A study on the Shade-Resistance of 11 ground covers

  5. 四川两种野生假俭草耐荫性研究

    Study on Shade Tolerance of Two Local Populations of Centipede Grass in Sichuan

  6. 北京市主要园林植物耐荫性及其应用的研究

    Studies on Shade Tolerance and Application of Some Main Plant Species Used in Beijing

  7. 室内垂吊植物耐荫性的研究

    Study on Shade Tolerance of Indoor Hanging Plants

  8. 植物耐荫性研究的意义与现状

    Significances of Plant Shade-Tolerance Study and Its Advances

  9. 因此,开展观赏植物的耐荫性研究具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is very significant to research on the shade-tolerance of ornamental plants .

  10. 花叶玉簪‘甜心’等6种百合科地被植物耐荫性研究

    Study on Shade-tolerance of Six Ground-cover Plants of Liliaceae Including Hosta Plantaginea ' So Sweet ' , Etc

  11. 荫蔽对大豆主要性状的影响及大豆耐荫性鉴定方法研究初报

    Effect of shading on major charaters of soybean and preliminary study on the identification method of soybean shade endurance

  12. 沿阶草具有极强的耐寒性和耐荫性等特点,从沿阶草的形态和生物学等特征出发,可以作为耐荫的草坪地被植物利用。

    Dwarf lilyturf could be utilized as turf plant because of its super ability of cold resistance and shadow tolerance .

  13. 试验证明,两树种对不同光环境的适应有一定差异,猴樟和香樟均属于中性偏阳树种,猴樟比香樟稍喜光,而香樟的耐荫性比猴樟强。

    The differences of adaptation between C. camphora and C. bodinieri seedlings to different light environment were proved in the test .

  14. 通过对地被景天品种特性与应用的试验研究发现,其耐荫性强。

    Through discover by Sedum spectabile variety characteristic and test that is employed correctly , it is able to bear shade strongly .

  15. 本文主要从室内环境特点、植物的耐荫性、观赏性探讨绿色植物在室内的应用;

    According to the indoor circumstance , shade tolerance and ornament of plants , the indoor application of green plants was discussed .

  16. 玉米耐荫性是受多基因控制的数量性状,采用传统的育种方法改善其耐荫性效率较低。

    Tolerant corn is controlled by multiple genes of quantitative traits using traditional breeding methods to improve their tolerant and less efficient .

  17. 选取11种地被植物为材料并引种试验,对其耐荫性进行了定量和定性研究。

    Choosing 11 ground covers as experimental and introductory materials , the authors studied several quantitative and qualitative indexes of shade-resistance in this paper .

  18. 满江红孢子果空间诱变效应的研究Ⅱ空间条件对不同品系满江红耐荫性的影响

    Research on the Effects of Space Induction of Sporocarps of Azolla ⅱ Effect of Space Conditions on the Shade Tolerance of Different Species of Azolla

  19. 又因其具有较强的耐寒性、耐旱性、耐荫性以及耐低度修剪,被广泛应于其他园林绿化中。

    Because of its strong resistance ability in cold , drought , shadow and low-grade clip , the bent grass is currently widely used in landscaping .

  20. 威望的耐荫性大于天鹅绒,本试验中在50%遮荫处理下表现出很强的适应性。

    The shade tolerance of Prestige was bigger than Red Velvet . international communist movement and the international prestige and position of the Communist Party of China ;

  21. 叶绿素a/b值是高原地区界定和评价植物耐荫性强弱的最为可靠和准确的直接指标;

    The ratio of chlorophyll a and b ( a / b ) was an accurate and direct parameter to evaluate the plant shade-tolerance in the area of plateau ;

  22. 八角为耐荫性树种,应选择温暖、湿润、较阴蔽的环境和肥沃、排水良好的酸性土壤种植。

    As Illicium verum is shade bearer , warm , damp , dark environment , and well-discharge of water , and fertile & acid soil should be welcome and chosen .

  23. 经生育期观察,高空处理的19号满江红品系生长速率明显提高,且表现出一定的耐荫性。

    From the observation of the breeding period , it has been found that the growing rate of Azolla strain 19 has improved obviously and the strain 19 displays some shade-tolerance .

  24. 8个树种叶片对其生境表现出多样化的适应方式,大致可分为3类阳性旱生植物、耐荫性中生植物和阳性中生植物。

    According to principle component analysis ordination on leaf anatomical characteristics , the 8 species from Xiangshan were divided into three groups : sun xerophyte , sun mesophyte , and shade-enduring mesophyte .

  25. 垂吊植物在室内的装饰应用及景观设计方面的应用具有更广阔的前景,植物的耐荫性是限制植物在室内应用的重要因子之一。

    The application of hanging plant at the aspect of the indoor decoration and plant landscape design have wider prospects , and shade tolerance is one important factor that limit the application of plant in the room .

  26. 甘蓝型油菜耐荫性的品种差异供试大豆总体磷效率(以生物量为标准)与磷吸收效率表现趋势基本一致,而磷利用效率并没有显著的品种差异。

    Furthermore , the overall P efficiency ( defined as biomass ) of the tested soybean varieties showed the same pattern as P acquisition efficiency . On the other hand , there was no significant varietal difference in P utilization efficiency .

  27. 过多元分析方法综合分析了影响10种垂吊植物的主导因子,指出植物的耐荫性是一个复合性状,以单一的指标来说明植物的耐荫性是不科学的。

    The main factors of influencing shade tolerance of 10 indoor hanging plants are analyzed by the method of multivariate regress and point out that shade tolerance of plant is a compound character and can 't estimate shade tolerance of plant only by one factor .

  28. 耐荫植物耐寒性的观测研究

    Observations on Cold Resistance of Shade Tolerance Plant