
  • 网络Council of Logistics Management;CLm
  1. 在美国物流管理协会2005年年会上,专家提出了供应链绩效评价的新方法&现金周期模型成为关注的热点。

    On the 2005 annual meeting hold by the council of logistics management , experts presented the new supply chain performance measurement methods & cash-to-cash cycle models , and became the focus of attention .

  2. 逆向物流(ReverseLogistics)这个名词最早由Stock在1992年给美国物流管理协会(CLM)的一份研究报告提出。随着人类环保意识和可持续发展观的加强,逆向物流逐步引起各国的重视。

    The word Reverse logistics was first proposed by Stock in a study report to CLM in 1992.Reverse logistics is beginning to be widely concerned by all countries as people are more concerned about environment and the enhancement of sustainable development strategy .