
  1. 本文以持水能力、TBA值、质地特性、K值、细菌菌落总数和感官鉴定指标为依据,研究了空气解冻、流水解冻、真空解冻和微波解冻,并作比较。

    Water holding capacity , TBA value , textural properties , total bacterial counts sensory evaluation were studied on the quality of defrozen HAIRTAIL FISH by the thawing methods of air , running water , vacuum microwave thawing .

  2. 检验指标包括色度、浑浊度、pH值、总硬度、铁、锰、氨氮、亚硝酸氮、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐、氟化物、细菌菌落总数、总大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群。

    The indexes for the test were mainly chroma , turbidity , PH , the total hardness , Fe , Mn , ammonia nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen , nitrate nitrogen , sulfate , fluoride , colony forming unit ( cfu ), total coliform , and fecal coliform .

  3. 水分含量低的牛肉干细菌菌落总数最少。

    Low moisture content beef jerky has the least of total number of bacterial colonies .

  4. 环境卫生学监测细菌菌落总数换算简表的应用研究

    Study on the Application of the Simplified Conversion Table for Count of Total Bacterial Colonies in Environmental Hygienic Monitoring

  5. 方法系统回顾本院新生儿科空气净化层流病房投入使用前后病房空气、物体表面、医护人员手的细菌菌落总数及合格率资料。

    Methods Retrospective study the data of total numbers of colony and qualification rate on the air , body surface and hand of staff before and after lamina flow used in newborn nursery .

  6. 检测鱼类新鲜度的常规方法是测定其总挥发性盐基氮(TVB&N)或细菌菌落总数,手续繁琐且代价较高。

    The conventional determination of the freshness of fish is to detect total volatile basic nitrogen ( TVB-N , GB ) or number of microbe colonies . But these methods are all complex and expensive .

  7. 本文概括介绍了脱氢酶活性检测的方法及其在活性污泥活性检测、检测细菌菌落总数、水质毒性检测、以及污染物对土壤微生物性能的影响等领域的应用。

    The detecting method of dehydrogenase activity ( DHA ) is introduced generally , as well as its application in the fields , such as determining of activated sludge activity , bacterial colony and water toxicity , and the influence of various pollutants on the microbiological quality of soil .