
xì bāo tōnɡ xùn
  • cell communication
  1. 迎接微生态学细胞通讯新时代的到来

    Welcoming the new era of cell communication for micro - ecology

  2. 气体分子在生物体内细胞通讯与信号传递过程中具有重要作用。

    Gas molecular is important on cell communication and signal passing in organism .

  3. 目前主要采用基因转染法或药物诱导法以促进缝隙连接细胞通讯(GJIC)、诱导细胞凋亡或提高患瘤机体免疫功能等措施来提高自杀基因系统的旁观者效应。

    The current methods adopted to raise bystander effect of the suicide gene are applying gene transfection methods or medicine revulsion methods to promote the GJIC , inducing apoptosis or improving the immune function of tumor mechanism .

  4. 在一个生物性水平上,酢浆草协助了细胞通讯。

    Upon a biological level , Sorrel assists with cellular communication .

  5. 细胞通讯研究的新进展及重要性

    Progress in the Research on Cellular Signalling and Its Importance

  6. 从细胞通讯网络可以看出酪蛋白复合肽具有下调免疫的作用;

    The comparative results reveal that casein co-peptide has immune down-regulatory effect .

  7. 细菌群感效应是一种普遍存在的微生物细胞通讯机制。

    Bacterial Quorum Sensing ( QS ) is a common cell to-cell communication mechanism .

  8. 细胞通讯及主要信息传递途径

    Cell communication and main signal delivery channels

  9. 但是,即使是当今研究细胞通讯最复杂的工具都有显著的不足。

    But even the most sophisticated tools currently used for studying cell communications suffer from significant deficiencies .

  10. 这样以来,这种金属就会扰乱大脑中的细胞通讯,不知不觉地导致智力发育上的不足。

    The metal so disrupts cell communication in the brain that it causes subtle deficits in growing minds .

  11. 生物体内细胞通讯包括细胞间的信息传递和细胞内的信息传递。

    Cell communication in the they consists of signal delivery between the cells and that inside the cell .

  12. 目的探讨间隙连接基因表达和细胞通讯功能对肿瘤生长的抑制作用。

    Objective To explore the effects of expression of gap junction gene and cell cell communication on tumor growth .

  13. 探针潜在地允许我们检测细胞通讯中复杂的机械生化电子化学变化,所有的都在同一时间!

    The probe potentially allows us to detect complex mechano-bio-electro-chemical events underlying cell communication , all at the same time !

  14. 事实上,即使我们采用很高浓度的酒精,我们也没有发现脑细胞通讯方面有发生改变。

    As a matter of fact , even at the high levels we used here , we don 't see any changes in how the brain cells communicate .

  15. 目的缝隙连接细胞通讯与白内障发生的关系是白内障研究领域的一个新的热点,兴起于近几年,研究处起始阶段。

    Purpose : The relation between GJIC ( Gap junction intercellular communication ) and cataract is a new hot point in cataract research which rises in recent years and is in the initial stage .

  16. 突触体中含有大量的线粒体为细胞通讯、信号传导供应能量。任何影响线粒体产能系统的不利因素最终都会影响到脑部的发育与正常的功能。

    Synaptosome contains lots of mitochondria , enabling production of ATP supporting the activities of cell communications , signal transduction , etc. Any factor adversely affecting the ability of mitochondria to carry out ATP production is likely to have detrimental consequences for brain development and function .

  17. 银杏内酯B对大鼠心肌细胞间通讯的影响

    Effects of Ginkgolide B on Cell-cell Communication in Rat Cardiomyocytes

  18. 蛋白激酶C对大肠癌细胞间隙通讯和粘附分子表达的调节

    Regulative effects of PKC on gap junction intercellular communication and expression of adhesion molecules in colon carcinoma HT-29 cell

  19. 间隙连接细胞间通讯(Gapjunctionintercellularcommunication,GJIC)是相邻细胞间普遍存在的直接通讯方式。

    Gap junction intercellular communication ( GJIC ) was the direct communication mode which generally existed between adjacent cells .

  20. ILK调控细胞间通讯蛋白参与肾脏衰老的机制研究

    Mechanisms of Renal Aging Promoted by ILK Via Intercellular Communication Proteins

  21. 通过观察自由基清除剂二甲基亚砜(DMSO)和细胞间通讯阻断剂Lindane对α粒了照射诱发的细胞存活旁效应的抑制作用探讨其可能的机理。

    Free radical scavenger DMSO and intercellular communication inhibitor lindane were selected to investigate the potential mechanism of alpha-particle irradiation-induced bystander effect .

  22. 核苷酸类物质是新近阐明的细胞间通讯载体,它们结合细胞膜上的P2家族嘌呤受体,调节细胞的生存和功能。

    Nucleotides , which bind to P2 family receptors on cell membrane to regulate survival and function of cells , are novel carriers in intercellular communication .

  23. Notch信号是一个在进化中高度保守的反映细胞间通讯机制的通路,它调控细胞的分化和增殖,在胚胎发育和细胞命运的决定中发挥重要的作用。

    Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily highly conserved mechanism for cell-cell communication , which controls differentiation and proliferation , and plays an important role in embryogenesis and many types of cell fate determination .

  24. 沙尘与非沙尘PM2.5都能抑制细胞间通讯,GJIC可能为颗粒物的毒性机制之一。

    The composition of PM_ 2.5 from both sources can inhibit GJIC , suggesting decreasing GJIC may be related to the biological mechanisms of toxicity caused by PM_ 2.5 .

  25. 细胞间通讯与前列腺素合成&角膜内皮细胞与血小板相互作用合成前列环素和血栓素

    Prostaglandin-Mediated Intercellular Communication Between Corneal Endothelial Cells and Platelets in Vitro

  26. 微囊藻毒素-LR致肝细胞连接通讯下调的研究

    Studies on the downregulation of gap - junctional in hepatocyte by microcystin-LR

  27. 柴油机排出颗粒提取物对细胞间隙通讯的影响

    Effects of Diesel Exhaust Particle on Gap Junction Intercellular Communication

  28. 逼尿肌不稳定缝隙连接介导细胞间通讯的研究

    Study on gap junctional mediated intercellular communication in detrusor instability

  29. 氧苯胂和二甲基胂酸对细胞间通讯的影响

    Effects of phenylarsine oxide and dimethylarsinic acid on intercellular communication

  30. D-丝氨酸在神经元-胶质细胞间通讯的新进展

    Progress in the Research of D-serine on Neuron-glia Communication