
  • 网络Infrared cloud image;infrared cloud picture;infrared cloud imagery
  1. 卫星红外云图上台风中心定位技术研究和应用

    Researches and applications of locating technology for typhoon center on satellite infrared cloud picture

  2. 根据空间灰度共现矩阵纹理分析原理,制作卫星红外云图纹理分析法系统。心排血量(CO);

    Based on the textural analytic theory of gray scale co-occurrence matrix , the geosynchronous satellite IR image analytic system was made .

  3. GMS卫星红外云图云迹风的反演

    The Deriving of Cloud Motion Winds from IR Images of GMS

  4. 基于LBP算法的全天空红外云图的分类研究

    Classification of Whole Sky Infrared Cloud Image Based on the LBP Operator

  5. GMS卫星红外云图数据压缩

    Data Compression of Meteorological Satellite Cloud Charts

  6. GMS静止气象卫星探测所得到的红外云图资料,用计算机图象识别技术来反演云迹风。

    This paper describes the computer image recognition technique of deriving cloud motion winds ( CMW ) from the IR images of GMS .

  7. 利用Q矢量方法以及GMS5红外云图、水汽云图和常规观测等资料,对强暴雪天气进行了天气动力学诊断分析。

    Based on infrared imagery , vapor image and some conventional observation , the synoptic diagnostic analysis of the snow-storm is made .

  8. 利用1998年和1999年前汛期GMS-5红外云图探讨亮温度与地面雨强关系。

    The relationship between rainfall intensity and cloud top temperature is discussed by using GMS-5 IR image in 1998 ~ 1999 during the first rainy season .

  9. 通过对1998~2000年3年日本GMS-5静止气象卫星逐时红外云图数字资料的普查,共获得160个发生在新疆的中尺度对流系统(简称MCS),分析了新疆MCS的地理分布。

    The main conclusions include : ( 1 ) By studying the Japanese geosynchronous weather satellite GMS-5 hourly infrared cloud data from 1998 to 2000 , there were totally 160 occurrences of MCS in Xinjiang .

  10. 本文应用GMS-5红外云图,提取了一个描述云顶结构特征的参数&云顶充满度VS。结合地面观测资料,引入了云高参数DTS,得到并分析了参数VS随云高DTS的分布特征。

    Based on infrared satellite cloud picture observed by GMS-5 , a parameter VS used to describe the structure of cloud top has been obtained , and height parameter DTS is introduced by using surface meteorological observation data .

  11. 利用GMS红外云图对有眼台风云系的定位问题进行了探讨,并根据其云系特征,提出了一种基于台风云系形状分析的自动定位方法。

    The cloud system of the typhoon eyed is analysed for determination of typhoon center by use of GMS infrared pictures . According to cloud features , the automatic location method based on cloud pattern analyses is suggested .

  12. 根据常规气象观测资料、GMS5静止气象卫星的红外云图和可见光图像,分析了1999年4月25至5月4日塔里木盆地浮尘天气。

    By using conventional meteorological data and the infrared and visible images of GMS-5 satellite , the floating dust weather from April 25 to May 4 in 1999 in Tarim Basin is analyzed .

  13. 用地球同步气象卫星红外云图估计热带气旋的强度

    Estimation of tropical cyclone intensity by use of GMS infrared imagery

  14. 红外云图的参数化及其与局地降雨的关系探讨

    Parameterization of infrared satellite cloud picture and its relationship with local rainfall

  15. 并为满足红外云图定量分析的要求给出必要的参数。

    Necessary parameters are given for quantitative analysis of the cloud pictures .

  16. 丽江市冰雹天气的红外云图和雷达回波特征分析

    Characteristics of infrared cloud image and radar echo of Lijiang hail weather

  17. 用红外云图估算热带气旋短时雨量

    Estimation of Rainfall of Tropical Cyclone with Infrared Satellite Image

  18. 基于单幅红外云图的有眼台风自动定位算法

    Algorithm of Eyed Typhoon Locating Based on Single Infrared Image

  19. 利用红外云图作台风客观定位

    Objective typhoon positioning by infrared cloud images

  20. 增强显示和伪彩色数字化红外云图在台风降水预报中的应用

    Application of enhanced and pseudo-color digital infrared satellite images in the prediction of typhoon precipitation

  21. 1999年广西冬季大范围暴雨的红外云图特征分析

    Analysis of the infrared nephogram for the large-scale storm in winter of 1999 in Guangxi

  22. 浙江省降水云系红外云图特征及其与降水量的关系

    IR Image Characteristics of Raining Cloud Clusters and Relationship with Hourly Rainfall in Zhejiang Province

  23. 纹理分析法识别静止卫星红外云图和监测汛期强对流天气系统

    Identification Geosynchronous Satellite Infrared Image and Detection Violent Convective Weather System in Flood Season by Textural Analysis Technique

  24. 用相关分析法从红外云图上提取云团平均尺度这一特征量,考察了云团平均尺度与合地面观测资料所估算的云厚以及实测局地降雨之关系。

    The mean scale of cloud agglomerate has been obtained by correlation analytical method from infrared satellite cloud picutre .

  25. 顶的焦虑中尺度对流系统红外云图云顶黑体温度的分析

    The worry about the ″ roof ″ cloud top blackbody temperature analysis of infrared satellite image for mesoscale convective system

  26. 本文提出一个利用海上实测参数作为外定标值,定量解译气象卫星红外云图中海面温度场的方法。

    A method is presented to quantitatively explain the sea surface temperature profile displayed on an infrared image of the meteorology satellite using actually measured parameter as external criterion .

  27. 利用新一代天气雷达产品、静止气象卫星红外云图并结合其它气象资料进行定点降水预报,通过自动气象站网降水实况资料进行订正,建立适合宁夏本地天气气候特点的短时预报监测模型。

    Based on new generation radar productions , geostationary meteorological satellite data , and corrected by rain gauges , the precipitation forecast models were developed both for grid points and stations .

  28. 分析结果表明,红外云图和可见光图像能够监测盆地浮尘的变化,浮尘呈灰色,纹理均匀,边界清晰。

    The results Show that the floating dust in Tarim Basin is monitored in the infrared and visible images , floating dust in it is gray with even grain and distinct verge .

  29. 本文根据日本的地球静止卫星红外云图,概括了与热带气旋强度有关的四方面云图特征,即:环流中心与深对流密蔽云区的相对位置关系;眼区的形状、大小和清晰程度;

    Using GMS infrared imagery we have summarized four cloud characteristics relative to the intensity of tropical cyclone as follows : the position of the circulation center relative to deep convective cloud ;

  30. 提出利用逐时的中尺度辐合中心、卫星红外云图云顶亮温及雷达回波降水率做中尺度雨团量级预测思路。

    In addition , a thought of how to use the mesoscale convergence center , TBB of convective cloud and the radar echo for rainfall rate to predict the mesoscale rain cluster is presented .