
  1. 塞于PIC单片机的一种车载红外夜视仪设计

    A Design of IR Night Vision System for Cars Based on PIC

  2. 红外夜视仪用精密模压硫系玻璃研究进展

    Development of Fine Molded Chalcogenide Glasses for IR Night Vision

  3. 主动式红外夜视仪的可靠性主要决定于红外变像管,而红外变像管的可靠性和工作寿命则决定于红外光电阴极&半透明银氧铯光电阴极的性能和寿命。

    The reliability of infrared night vision apparatus is mainly dependent upon the characteristics and life-time of photocathode of image-converter tube .

  4. 针对红外夜视成像仪所成图像的增强问题,提出一种新的红外图像增强组合算法。

    A new kind of algorithm for infrared image enhancement was discussed .

  5. 射击精度获得是采用一套简单的使用红外夜视和激光测距仪输入的FCS光点火控系统。

    Fire accuracy is attained by a primitive FCS light spot fire control system with IR night vision and laser rangefinder input .

  6. 但对于红外照明增强微光夜视仪的夜视效能的衡量、检验标准和方法,目前还未见到相关的报道。

    But the way that test and scale night vision efficiency was not reported at present .