
  • 网络honggu district
  1. 红古区农业土壤(0~20cm)养分状况为:缺氮、少磷、钾丰富,有机质偏低。

    The soil nutrient status is lack of nitrogen , less phosphorus , rich kalium and low organic matter .

  2. 研究中调查的主要内容有:红古区小学教师的基本情况、职业认同与职业期望状况、职业发展状况三个方面。

    The study includes the following : Teachers basic standing , professional expectation and professional development .

  3. 调查发现,红古区小学教师在专业发展中具有以下优势:1.以中青年为主的教师具备较高学历及职称;

    The study found that the following advantages existed in the teachers professional development : Firstly , the younger generation teachers have higher education and professional quality .