
  • 网络Glucose load;OGTT;glycemic load
  1. 洛阳市高校知识分子膳食生糖负荷调查

    Survey on Glycemic Load of College Intellectuals in Luoyang

  2. 在高胰岛素分泌的个体中,减低的糖负荷可能对减轻体重特别重要。

    Reducing glycemic load may be especially important to achieve weight loss among individuals with high insulin secretion .

  3. 大剂量维生素C及维生素E、二甲双胍对急性糖负荷后高血压病患者血管内皮功能变化的影响

    Effects of Large-dose Vitamin C , E and Metformin on the Change of Endothelium-dependent Vasodilatation in Essential Hypertension After Acute Glucose Loading

  4. 维生素C和维生素E对急性糖负荷致原发性高血压血管内皮功能损害的保护作用

    Endothelium Dependent Vasodilation Attenuated by Acute Glucose Loading in the Patients with Essential Hypertension : the Effect of Vitamin C and Vitamin E

  5. 为探讨急性糖负荷对高血压病患者内皮依赖性血管舒张功能的影响及急性期维生素C和维生素E对血管内皮功能的保护作用。

    Aim To explore the influence of acute glucose loading on endothelium-dependent vasodilation in essential hypertension and the protective effect of vitamin C and vitamin E.

  6. 1h糖负荷试验假阳性与围生期不良预后的相关性

    False-positive 1-hour glucose challenge test and adverse perinatal outcomes

  7. 进行空腹、糖负荷后血糖、血胰岛素及空腹血脂和载体脂蛋白测定。结果:高血压合并肥胖空腹及糖负荷后2h血胰岛素明显高于高血压级(P<0.01);

    The blood glucose at fasting and glucose load , serum insulin , fast-ing blood lipid and carried lipoprotein were measured .

  8. 同时,糖负荷后正常妊娠组较正常未孕组血清胰岛素水平明显增高(P0.05);

    The levels of serum insulin after OGTT were more increased in normal pregnancy group than nonpregnant group ( P0 . 05 );

  9. 血清胰岛素与C肽水平相平行,糖负荷后34.9%的患者出现胰岛素低平曲线。

    The level of serum insulin was parallel to that of c peptide , and a low flat curve of insulin level was found among 34.9 % of the cases after the test .

  10. 两组孕妇糖负荷后180min时的C肽值间差异有显著性意义(P0.01);

    The C-peptide levels at 180 min after glucose intolerance were significantly different between the two groups ( P0.01 );

  11. I-IGT肌肉IR较重,糖负荷后的胰岛β细胞功能受损较重。

    I-IGT had marked peripheral insulin resistance and severe after-glucose-loading beta cell dysfunction .

  12. 伴MAU的EH患者糖负荷后2h血胰岛素浓度明显高于无MAU者(P<0.02);

    The patients with MAU had significantly greater 2h serum insulin level than those without MAU ( P < 0.02 );

  13. 结论:1、急性糖负荷可引起高血压病人EDF一过性损害;

    Conclusion : 1 . EDF in EH patients is transiently impaired after oral glucose loading .

  14. 母亲孕早、晚期BMI与子女成年期糖负荷后2小时血糖浓度呈负相关。

    BMI of mothers in their early and late pregnancy correlated reversely with blood glucose levels two hours after sugar load for their children in adulthood .

  15. 研究组患者糖负荷后胰岛素分泌高峰均在服糖后30min出现。

    The maximal insulin excretion time was 30 min after glucose loading .

  16. 失血及成分输血对ICG和半乳糖负荷试验的影响

    Effects of hemorrhage and component blood transfusion on ICG clearance and galactose tolerance tests in rabbits

  17. 结论肥胖儿童存在IR、糖负荷后血糖水平升高和胰岛β细胞分泌功能上调,随肥胖程度加重,胰岛素敏感性进一步降低,而胰岛β细胞分泌功能无相应增强。

    Conclusions Obese children are usually complicated with IR , higher postprandial plasma glucose and increasing pancreatic beta-cell functions . Severe obese children have lower insulin sensitivity while their pancreatic beta-cell functions have not increased accordingly .

  18. 结论IGT患者糖负荷血脂浓度较空腹时低,但Homa-IR与TG(三个时段)关系密切。

    Conclusion The concentration of blood lipid after sugar load were significant decreased than their fasting concentration in patients with IGT . Homa-IR was closely connected TG .

  19. 糖负荷后胰岛素分泌第一时相:IRI及TI水平在B组与A组间差异无显著性;在B组与C组间差异有显著性(P<0.05);

    In the first-phase of insulin secretion after glucose load , the levels of IRI and TI showed statistical differences between group B and group C ( P < 0.05 ), but were comparable between group B and group A ;

  20. 目的:探讨糖负荷后血糖和胰岛素变化对血清游离脂肪酸(FFA)水平的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of internal change of serum insulin and plasma glucose levels on serum free fatty acid ( FFA ) concentrations after glucose loading .

  21. 糖负荷后1h,OGTT组中EH及NS的EDF均明显降低,而V.C+V.E组及MF组则无明显变化。

    In both EH and NS of the OGTT group , EDF was impaired 1 hour after glucose loading , but there was no apparent change in the V.C + V.E group and the MF group .

  22. 目的探索不同剂量的大豆异黄酮(isoflavones,IFs)和维生素C(VC)、维生素E(VE)混合干预物对老年2型糖尿病(2DM)病人糖负荷后血液中粘附分子(adhesionmoleculesAMs)表达的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of different dosages of antioxidant ( Isoflavone , Vitamin C and E ) on the expression of adhesion molecules ( AMs ) in senior type 2 diabetes mellitus patients ( 2-DM ) patients .

  23. 方法采用口服葡萄糖耐量试验,测定38例CGN患者和15例正常人空腹及糖负荷后血糖、血胰岛素水平和胰岛素敏感指数(ISI)。

    Methods By using oral glucose tolerance test , plasma glucose , insulin levels and insulin sensitivity indexes ( ISI ) were measured in 38 CGN patients and 15 healthy controls .

  24. 糖负荷后各时点的血糖以及葡萄糖曲线下面积,胰岛素抵抗组均高于对照组(P0.05)。

    Blood glucose after glucose load and the area under glucose curve were higher in the insulin resistant group than those in the control group ( P0.05 ) . Conclusion There are significant differences in the levels of sexual hormones between PCOS patients with and without insulin resistance .

  25. 结论(1)DM前期IGR人群存在基础和糖负荷后胰岛β细胞分泌功能受损及显著的胰岛素抵抗,且不同类型的IGR人群各有其不同的病理生理特征;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) IGR group have basic β - cell function defects and decrease of insulin secretion function after load , and significant IR . Different types of IGR groups have different pathophysiologic characteristics ;

  26. 在33对样本的病例对照配对研究表明目前尚不能肯定胰岛素敏感性在胆囊胆固醇结石发病中的独立风险作用,但糖负荷试验2h胰岛素水平和收缩压升高是胆结石发病的危险因素。

    In this case-control study , the effect of insulin sensitivity on the genesis of cholesterol gallstones was not affirmed . However , raised 2h insulin level during glucose tolerance test and systolic blood pressure were risk factors in gallstone formation .

  27. 大剂量V.C及V.E联合治疗、二甲双胍均能明显改善急性糖负荷对EDF的一过性损害。

    The acute impaired EDF caused by hyperglycemia can be apparently attenuated by the co-administration of large dose antioxidant vitamin C and E or Metformin .

  28. 结论即使总热量摄入相同,OGTT前1天HF引起健康成人空腹血浆游离脂肪酸水平升高,抑制早期胰岛素分泌,引起糖负荷后血糖的升高,导致IGT的误诊。

    Conclusion Although total energy intake was isocaloric , HF in three meals before OGTT increased fasting plasma free fatty acids level , inhibited glucose-stimulated insulin release , decreased glucose tolerance in healthy adults , and led to misdiagnosis of IGT .

  29. 目的:探讨糖负荷后2小时血糖(2hPG)在糖尿病诊断中的意义。

    Objective : To explore the significance of 2 hours plasma glucose level post given oral glucose ( 2hPG ) in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus .

  30. 检测各组空腹及口服100g馒头餐后糖负荷试验1,2,4,6小时的血糖、胰岛素及C-肽水平,计算6小时内的血胰岛素/C-肽、血糖曲线下面积和血糖水平。

    To test their blood glucose and insulin and C-p of fasting level and postprandial level after OGTT at 1h , 2h , 4h , 6h . To calculate the area under the curve of blood insulin / C-P and the glucose increment .