
  • 网络sugar product
  1. 通过抽真空包装,解决了低糖制品长期保存的难题。

    It is solved that low sugar can ′ t reserve the product for long time by vacuum packing .

  2. 据国家统计局统计资料显示,2008年1月至10月,烘焙食品糖制品行业主要产业的产量、当年工业总产值、当年销售产值比上年同期有15%、24%、24%以上的增幅。

    According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China , in the first 10 months in 2008 , the output , gross industrial output value and sales volume have increased by more than 15 % , 24 % and 24 % respectively from the same period of last year .

  3. 阿的麸质,糖,乳制品,冰淇淋容器制作免费使用巴扎射流。

    A container of gluten - , sugar - , and dairy-free ice cream produced using the Paco Jet .

  4. 水溶性微生物多糖对肉制品的品质有重要影响,是肉类研究的一个重要课题。

    Water-solubility polysaccharides , separated from microorganism , play an important role in improving some properties of meat products in the meat industry .

  5. 一些基本的生活消费品、食品保持了稳定增长,糖、乳制品、啤酒、软饮料、布、丝织品增长百分之十到百分之十九点二。

    Some basic consumer goods and food kept steady growth , among which candy , dairy products , beer , soft drink , cloth , and silk grew by10 % to19.2 % .

  6. 赤藓糖醇&焙烤食品糖制品新型功能性配料

    Erythritol-a new type of functional bakery and confectionery ingredient

  7. 采用传统的多糖提取方法,即热水回流提取,乙醇沉淀,沉淀经95%乙醇,无水乙醇、丙酮反复洗涤,50℃真空干燥得马齿苋多糖粗制品。

    In this paper , we adopt traditional polysaccharide extraction method , that is being extracted by hot water , and precipitated by ethanol , then washed several times with 95 % ethanol , 100 % ethanol and acetone , at last , dried in vacuum at 50 ℃ .