
  • 网络viscosity;mPa.s
  1. 血液粘滞度与对照组比较降低(P<0.01)。

    Blood viscosity was significantly diminished in the synthetical treatment group , compared with the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 目的:研究凝血因子(F)和血液粘滞度对恶性肿瘤的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of plasma coagulate F ⅶ and blood viscosity on malignant tumor .

  3. β-BaB2O4晶体生长熔液的挥发与其粘滞度和过冷度

    Volatility , Viscosity and Supercooling of the Fluxed Melts for β - BaB_2O_4 Crystal Growth

  4. 氟中毒导致淋巴细胞膜胆固醇含量增加,膜荧光偏振度P值和微粘滞度η值升高,表明氟能降低淋巴细胞膜的流动性。

    Cholesterol content of lymphocytes membrane was increased , P value of membrane fluorescence polarization degree and η value of viscosity increased , the results showed that lymphocytes membrane fluidity could be decreased by fluorine . 7 .

  5. 用微丝、微管的抑制剂细胞松驰素B(CB)、秋水仙素处理后,细胞质的粘滞度明显下降。

    When the coleoptila were treated by Cytochalasin ( CB ) or Colchicine , Which were inhibitors of microfilaments and microtubules , the viscosity was both decreased obviously .

  6. 对HAL降低血液粘滞度、化疗前、化疗中碱化尿液及水化治疗,以降低早期死亡率。

    Decrease of blood viscosity , basification of urine before chemotherapy and hydrotherapy can decrease incidence of early death of HAL .

  7. 治疗前后常规检查肺功能(FEV1)、动脉血气、肝肾功能,血凝指标、血浆及全血粘滞度和内皮素1(ET1)等。

    Before and after treatment , pulmonary function ( FEV 1 ), arterial blood gas analysis , blood coagulability and ET 1 were examined in all cases .

  8. 本组的血液粘滞度增加,这均可能引起肝循环阻力增加导致TLF下降。

    The blood viscosity increases in theses patients . All may cause increases of circula - tion resistance in the liver to reduce the TLF .

  9. 主要研究结果有:创建水稻常规品质如直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、碱消值、粘滞度(RVA)的NIR校正分析模型,具有分析准确,可靠、适用性广的特点;

    The main results were as follows : The NIR calibration models , which possess an accuracy and reliable predication , were constructed for rice common constituents such as amylose content , gel consistency , alkali spreading value and RVA .

  10. 结论:综合考虑囊液颜色、粘滞度、细胞学、甲状腺激素(T3、T4)、K+离子浓度、LDH活性,特别是LDH1的比例会对甲状腺囊肿良、恶性的鉴别提供更多的有价值的信息。

    Conclusion : The combination of multiple variables such as color , thyroid hormone ( T 3 , T 4 ), electrolytes , LDH activity ( espicially the LDH 1 ) can provide more valuable data for detecting the feature of thyroid cyst .

  11. 结果脑缺血再灌注60min结束,与缺血模型组比较,应用葛根素的脑保护组和脑复苏组均可显著降低动物血液粘滞度,增加红细胞变形性(P<0.01或P<0.05);

    Results In the cerebral protective and the cerebral resuscitative group , compared with the operation control group , we observed significant decrease of blood viscosity and beneficial changes of red blood cell characteristics ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 青紫型先天性心脏病合并小细胞性贫血的血液粘滞度的改变

    Blood viscosity in patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease and microcytic anemia

  13. 恶性血液病患者血液粘滞度测定及临床意义

    Blood viscosity of malignant hematonosis patient and its clinical significance

  14. 钙长石成分熔体粘滞度和自扩散系数压力效应的分子动力学研究

    Pressure dependence of viscosity and self-diffusion in CaAl_2Si_2O_8 melt : A molecular dynamics study

  15. 小鼠荷瘤状态血液粘滞度增高,微循环障碍,化疗又进一步加重以上反应。

    Chemotherapy exacerbate the hypercoagulability and microcirculation obstruction , which existed commonly in carcinomatosis mice .

  16. 高温高压下水的剪切粘滞度的平衡分子动力学计算

    Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Calculation of the Shear Viscosity of Water at High Temperatures and Pressures

  17. 蝮蛇抗栓酶从蝮蛇蛇毒提取的具有降低纤维蛋白原和血液粘滞度的物质。

    Ahylysantinfarctase from snake venom extract with lower fibrinogen and blood viscosity of the material .

  18. 水稻细胞质粘滞度与细胞骨架有关

    Rice Male-sterile Cytoplasmic Viscosity Related to Cytoskeleton

  19. 目的研究血液粘滞度对血压水平的影响程度。

    Objective To study of the effect intensity of blood viscosity on the blood pressure level .

  20. 在改善血液粘滞度和降低纤维蛋白原等方面,治疗组明显优于对照组。

    Treatment group was obviously prior to control group in improving blood viscosity and reducing fibrinogen etc.

  21. 变粘滞度地幔蠕动流的数学模型研究及其应用(一)

    Study on the mathematical model of the mantle creep with variable viscosity and its application (ⅰ)

  22. 亚低温治疗对缺氧缺血新生猪凝血功能和血粘滞度影响

    Effect of mild hypothermia on blood coagulation and viscosity neonatal piglets with hypoxic ischemic brain damage

  23. 这说明老年人中,促使血液粘滞度增加的因素是潜在的。

    In other words , the factor which caused blood viscosity to increase was potential in the aged .

  24. 恶性肿瘤患者血浆凝血因子Ⅶ与血液粘滞度变化的初步临床研究

    Initial clinical research for the change of plasma coagulate f ⅶ and blood viscosity in malignant tumor patient

  25. 中药高剂量组血液粘滞度降低、微循环得到改善(P<005)。

    High dose group can low the degree of blood viscocity and improve microcirculation ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 结论:刺五加叶皂甙能有效地改善血液粘滞度,增加红细胞变形能力,使血流加速。

    Conclusion : ASS can effectively improve blood viscosity and increase red cell distortion ability and speed blood flow .

  27. 外核液态铁粘滞度的分子动力学研究

    Molecular dynamics study of bulk and shear viscosity of liquid iron in the earth 's outer core : a critical review

  28. 对于咳嗽和咽喉疼痛,可能是蜂蜜的粘稠度和粘滞度使得它能够很好地发挥作用。

    For coughs and sore throats , it may be the stickiness and viscosity of honey that makes it work well .

  29. 氢化可的松加肾上腺素所致血瘀动物模型出现血粘滞度增高,但未出现明显卵泡发育及排卵抑制。

    The blood stasis model results from cortisol and epinephrine had abnormal hemorheology , but without blockade of follicular development and ovulation ;

  30. 结论:高压氧综合治疗能降低血液粘滞度,减少血小板的聚集,促进血栓的溶解吸收。

    Conclusion : Combined therapy with HBO may be decrease the blood viscosity and platelet aggregation and promote thrombolysis and thrombus absorption .