
  • 网络MITTAL STEEL;Mittal Steel Company N.V;Mittal
  1. 出于礼貌,我现致电通知你,明日米塔尔钢铁公司会向阿塞洛的所有股份持有者直接出价。

    I am calling you as a matter of courtesy to tell you that tomorrow Mittal Steel will be announcing an offer directly to your shareholders for all the shares of Arcelor .

  2. 钢铁公司恢复了交叉持股模式,这样才能避免被印度阿赛洛•米塔尔钢铁公司(ArcelorMittal)或者中国企业一口吞掉。

    Steel companies are renewing cross-shareholdings so that Arcelor Mittal of India or Chinese firms don 't gobble them up .