
  • 网络Michelin
  1. 于是人们在想,这种宽松的评分是不是因为米其林轮胎想在日本更加大力营销。

    and people wondered ? if this leniency10 was due to the Michelin tire brand wanting to market more heavily in Japan .

  2. 法国米其林轮胎公司表示,该公司拉丁美洲首席运营官LuisRobertoAnastacio也搭乘了此航班。

    French tire company Michelin said the head of its Latin American operations , Luis Roberto Anastacio , had been on the flight .

  3. 沙漠环境下米其林轮胎损坏的原因及预防

    Causes and Precaution of Michelin Tyre Damage in Desert Environment

  4. 昨日,沈阳市工商局接到市民举报,称沈河区有人在销售涉嫌傍名牌的米其林轮胎。

    Some source reported to local industrial and commercial regulators that illicit retailers were selling counterfeited tires in disguise of Michelin trademark .

  5. 这是欧洲在美国子公司的所在地,包括汽车制造商宝马公司,米其林轮胎和曾担任技术总监的门泽西设备公司。

    It is home to American subsidiaries of many European companies , including automaker BMW and tire make Michelin and the Menzel facility where Krussig is technical director .

  6. 当你搜索轮胎时,会看到一条广告,告诉你在距你当前位置一英里处有商家在特价销售米其林(Michelin)轮胎。

    Search for tyres and you get an ad for Michelins on sale a mile from your current location .

  7. 所以,本文着重对米其林在中国轿车轮胎替换市场的营销策略、渠道管理模式进行了详细阐述和深入分析,试图总结其成功模式的先进理念和有效方法,给予同行一些启示和借鉴。

    So the author illustrates in detail and deeply analyzes Michelin Tire marketing channel strategy , distribution management model in PC tire-replaced market in China .

  8. 你或许听过“米其林”这个名字,因为它和米其林轮胎有关。

    You may have heard the name " Michelin " because it 's related to Michelin tires .