
  1. 近期的调查研究也表明,除米佐托姆邦外,其他各邦的地下水也受到不同程度的砷污染。

    Our recent study also indicates out of 7 North-Eastern-Hill states , except Mizoram groundwater of all states are to some extent arsenic contaminated .

  2. 一些人回去后在米佐位姆区开办了由自由派犹太教信奉者主持的犹太教堂,这反过来鼓励了一些米佐家庭希望到以色列定居。

    Some returned to open synagogues run by liberal Jewish believers in Mizoram and this in turn has encouraged some Mizo families to settle in Israel .

  3. 竹竿舞在当地被称为“挈劳舞”,常在米佐部落的查普查尔库特节(又名春日节)之际表演,象征着冬季的结束和夏季的到来。

    The bamboo dance , locally known as the Cheraw dance , is the harbinger of the Chapchar Kut festival of the Mizos tribal group , which marks the end of winter and advent of summer .