
  1. 该系统采用统计过程控制(SPC)方法对车身装焊质量进行实时监控、趋势预报和故障原因分析,缩短了故障响应的时间,增强了质量管理的科学性。

    This system introduces the approach of statistical process control ( SPC ) , which brings about the real time monitoring , trend forecasting and fault cause analyzing , shortens the time of response to fault and builds up the scientific quality control system .

  2. 这些技术的应用对于故障件管理的科学性具有重要意义。

    The application of these technology has important significance for the invalid parts management .

  3. 增强针织企业成本管理的科学性

    Buildup of scientific cost management for knitting enterprise

  4. 管理的科学性与人性的认识

    The Scientific Nature of Management and Human Recognition

  5. 进行虚拟组织项目后评估,从根本上来说是为了提高虚拟组织的决策和管理的科学性。

    The post-evaluation for virtual organizations can make the decision-making and management more scientific .

  6. 这对于加强中国铁路管理的科学性有很大帮助。

    This will be of great help in running China 's railway in a more scientific way .

  7. 本文阐述了新形势下医疗设备管理的科学性,采购的科学性和维修的可靠性。

    The paper describes scientific management ; scientific purchase and maintenance reliability of the medical equipment in new situation .

  8. 教师语充满了育人的内涵,体现了教师课堂教学管理的科学性和艺术性。

    It has strong connotation for student personality cultivation and embodies the rational and artistic nature of classroom teaching management .

  9. 对土地(场地)的景观与生态敏感性分析有助于土地开发利用、项目设计和资源管理的科学性。

    Landscape and ecology sensitivity analysis is conducive to the improvement of scientific level of land use , project design and resources management .

  10. 强化了施工项目管理的科学性、系统性和量化性,为运用系统可靠性原理实施工程项目管理奠定了基础,为综合考虑质量、成本、进度三者关系的项目管理可靠性综合控制技术创造了条件。

    Also it has created condition for realizing the comprehensive control technique of reliability with the synthetical consideration of project quality , costs and progress .

  11. 提出在现阶段为了保证科研管理的科学性,避免不必要的重复劳动,加强查新工作非常必要。

    In order to ensure effectiveness of scientific management , and avoid unnecessary repeated labour , it is worthy to put emphasis on searching latest information .

  12. 为了提高医院物资管理的科学性和合理性,自行开发了物资管理系统。

    In order to improve the scientificity and rationality of materiel management , we developed the materiel management system and realized the computerizing of material management .

  13. 它不仅重视管理的科学性和艺术性的统一,而且更强调管理哲学的指导性作用。

    It pays attention to the unity of the artistry and scientific quality , furthermore , it also pays attention to the guidance function of management philosophy .

  14. 空间数据和属性数据资料的存储、查询和共享使用,也要求利用信息系统的现代化技术手段来解决,运用先进的计算机技术来提高管理的科学性、质量和效率是必然的手段。

    Besides , the storage , query and shared use of spatial and attributive data also need to be solved using modern technical means of information systems .

  15. 首先,从企业内部要培育安全文化,严格规章制度,完善物质保障,提高管理的科学性;

    First of all , foster safe culture from enterprises inside , rigorously enforce rules and regulations , perfect material guarantee , improve the science of management ;

  16. 社会中介组织对社会的组织化程度和社会、经济运行效率及管理的科学性都有重要的作用和影响。

    Social intermediary organizations have great influence on and plays an important role in increasing the organization of society , the rate of social and economic performance and scientific administration .

  17. 从整体意义上降低项目的开发成本,从而提高房地产开发项目的经济效益,提高房地产开发成本管理的科学性。

    From the overall sense of the project cost reduced so as to improve the economic benefit of real estate development project cost management , real estate development , improve the scientific .

  18. 同时,成本定额不是一成不变的,应进行科学地分析、及时地调整,增强成本管理的科学性,使企业在竞争中立于不败之地。

    At the same time , the cost ration is not unchangeable , but should be analyzed and adjusted scientifically in order to build up the scientific cost management , which can the enterprise a success .

  19. 为了预防和矫正航空事故诱发因素的萌生与发展,改善民航安全管理的科学性和可靠性,进一步降低事故率,减少航空灾害造成的损失。

    In order to prevent the emergence of accident-inducing elements and control the further development of them , to improve aviation security management to be scientific and reliable , and decrease the accident rate and aviation calamity loss .

  20. 应用该系统,有助于提高考核的信度和效度,降低考核成本,同时也提高企业人力资源管理的科学性和高效性。

    Using this system , it is helpful to enhance the trust and efficiency of appraisal , reduce the cost of appraisal , and at the same time enhance the science and efficiency of enterprise human resource management .

  21. 如何对数字馆藏的服务绩效进行动态的监测、反馈和控制,以加强数字馆藏管理的科学性,提高数字馆藏的服务绩效,对当前复合图书馆来说是非常有意义的。

    How to monitor , feed back and control the service performance of digital collections in order to manage digital collections scientifically , and then raise the service performance of digital collections is very meaningful to present hybrid library .

  22. 在我国,预算管理的科学性、重要性也已逐步为大多数企业所认识,以预算作为企业管理控制的工具和业绩评价的依据,推行预算管理的企业越来越多。

    In our country , most enterprises are gradually getting to know the scientificalness and importance of BM ; more and more of them put BM into effect , and use budget as management tool and index of performance appraisal .

  23. 建设工程质量形成的内在规律性决定了政府实行质量阶段监督管理的科学性,政府质量监督管理按照实体质量是否形成可分为施工前、施工中和竣工后3个阶段的监督管理。

    Inherit pattern of construction quality formed decides the science of government implementing stage quality supervision and management . It can part three stages regulation , that is pre-construction , under construction and after completed project , by whether forming concrete quality .

  24. 通过手机等移动终端对接处警信息进行录入和处理,可进一步规范接处警业务处理程序,提高工作效率,提高接处警管理的科学性,增强干警依法接警处警的自觉性,提高接处警工作的质量。

    Using mobile terminals such as cellphone to input and process the information of the ARD , we can make it more canonical , enhance the work efficiency , increase the consciousness of the police , and enhance the quality of the ARD works .

  25. 互联网的飞速发展带来了网络通信量的剧增,这不仅要求网络设施能提供足够的带宽,而且要求网络服务提供者或使用者能清晰地了解网络带宽使用情况,以保证网络应用和管理的科学性。

    The rapid development of Internet has brought about dramatic increasing of network communication . To enhance the scientific network utilization and efficiency , network applications require enough bandwidth from network facilities , which needs Internet Service Providers to find out accurate bandwidth usage .

  26. 伴随中国生产力和生产水平的日益提升,原有的劳动力优势和区域优势已经渐渐的失去主导能力,烟机制造企业生存发展的能力和竞争优势越来越多的取决于内部管理的科学性与合理性。

    Along with the rising of domestic productive forces and the production level , the original labor and regional advantages have been gradually losing their dominant superiorities , thus the development capacity and competitive edge of the tobacco machine manufacture enterprise will more depends on the scientific and reasonable inner-management .

  27. C星的成功发射和正常运行,证明了其研制过程中质量管理工作的科学性和有效性。

    The launch success and normal operation of C satellite had proved that the quality control in its development period was correct and effective .

  28. 为了确保这种以合作为导向的组织管理研究的科学性和所得出结论的健壮性,本文在研究方法上吸收了RonaldH.Coase和DouglassC。

    For the sake that , the conclusion of the research is scientific and formidable , the research approach is benefited a lot from the work of new institutional economics , which is represented by Ronald H. Coase and Douglass C.

  29. 通过仿真,分析比较了该算法与其它算法的综合性能,验证了MK-NN算法在计划管理中的科学性和可行性。

    By the simulation , we analyzed the integrated performance of this algorithm and compared it with the others . The result indicates that this algorithm of MK-NN Track association is scientific and feasible in flight plan management .

  30. 加强信息的整合作用,提高管理手段的科学性。

    Strengthening the information conformity action , increasing the science character of the managing measure .