
  • 网络management skill;managerial skills
  1. 但近来,克里斯普换了个职业,到牛津大学赛德商学院(saidbusinessschool)教授商业、法律和管理技能课程。

    But these days , crisp has moved into a new career , teaching business , law and management skills at the said business school in Oxford .

  2. 她表示,在东盟(ASEAN)地区经济快速增长之际,该地区亟需专业的管理技能。

    At a time of rapid economic growth in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( Asean ), professional management skills are badly needed , she says .

  3. 队长需要掌握有效的人员管理技能。

    Team captains need to have effective man-management skills .

  4. 他们不停地赞美我的管理技能。

    They kept extolling my managerial skills .

  5. 为了拓展业务,他需要提高整个团队的管理技能和创新能力。

    To grow the business , he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team .

  6. 我们也假设您具备基本的WebSphereProcessServer管理技能。

    Also , we assume you have basic administration skills for WebSphere Process Server .

  7. 上周,我打电话给她,向她解释(explanation)了我的测试,并问她是否不介意就我的管理技能稍加评论。

    Last week , I phoned her and told her about my test and asked her if she wouldn 't mind commenting on my skill as a manager .

  8. 凯林斯表示,私人股本应当与中国公司(ChinaInc)的发展结合在一起,特别是为计划向海外发展或超越传统制造业的中国公司提供管理技能。

    Mr Kerins suggested private equity should partner ' ' the development of China Inc , notably by adding managerial skills to Chinese companies planning to expand abroad or move beyond traditional manufacturing .

  9. FDI是涵盖了资本、技术、知识、管理技能以及有效组织资源等要素的综合体,因此FDI产生的技术外溢效应成为各国关注的热点。

    FDI is a synthesis which includes capital , technology , knowledge , skills of management and effective organizational resource etc. FDI Technology spillover effect has been a hotspot in every country .

  10. 这种教授“软”管理技能的创新方式,并不是里斯本mba课程打破葡萄牙商学教育传统的全部内容。

    This innovative approach to teaching " soft " management skills is not all that sets the Lisbon MBA apart as a departure for business education in Portugal .

  11. 通过技术溢出,FDI可以使我省的技术水平、组织效率和管理技能不断提高,帮助我省走上内生化的增长道路。

    Through the the technical spillover effect , FDI can improve technical level and organizational efficiency and manage technical in Hunan province , it also can help enterprises to lead an inner-developing road .

  12. ERP系统本身不会给企业带来持续竞争优势,而能带来持续竞争优势是ERP管理技能,以及合理的业务流程重组、企业战略与ERP战略匹配。

    It holds that instead of ERP itself , what will bring sustainable competitive advantages for an enterprise is ERP management skills , rational reorganization of operation flow and the strategic matching of enterprise strategy and ERP strategy .

  13. 外国直接投资(FDI)是一个包含资本、知识和技术的复合体,它不仅为东道国带来了金融资本,同时也带来了先进的技术、设备和管理技能、市场经验。

    Foreign direct investment ( FDI ), which consists of capital , knowledge and technology , not only bring to the host country the capital , also the advanced technology , equipment , management , and market experiences .

  14. nesta报告还把英国小公司无法孕育出更多激动人心的企业巨擘归罪于糟糕的管理技能。

    The Nesta report also blames poor management skills for the failure of small British companies to produce more chest-beating corporate silverbacks .

  15. 但是,要小心,不要让它阻碍您提高系统管理技能;随时可以按F6键查看运行的实际命令。

    But , be cautious and do not let it become a crutch to your systems administration abilities ; you can always click the F6 key to see the actual commands that are run .

  16. 西班牙iese商学院信息系统教授何塞普巴洛尔(josepvalor)表示,对与定制教育市场有关的全球管理技能的需求也在促进开放注册项目的增长。

    This need for global management skills , which largely relates to the customised education market , is also fuelling growth in open-enrolment programmes , says Josep valor , Professor of information systems at IESE business school in Spain .

  17. 他的管理技能对公司将非常有用。

    His executive skills will be very useful to the company .

  18. 你可以通过提高自己的时间管理技能来解决这个问题。

    You can solve it by improving your time management skills .

  19. 她已学到一些很有用的办公管理技能。

    She has acquired some very useful office management skills .

  20. 报告还表示,中国缺乏具备足够专业管理技能的大学毕业生。

    It also said China lacked graduates with sufficient professional management skills .

  21. 社会技能分为:人际关系技能和组织管理技能。

    Social skills include interpersonal skills and organizational management skills .

  22. 掌握现代化、信息化的管理技能;

    Have to grasp modern and information skills of management ;

  23. 个人技能分为:自我管理技能、职业情操和认知技能。

    Personal skills include self-management skills , professional sentiment and cognitive skills .

  24. 为团队成员规划和管理技能发展和培训。

    Plan and manage skills development and training for Team-members .

  25. 运用课堂纪律管理技能提高师范生的课堂教学质量

    Applying Management Skills in Classroom Discipline to Improve Teaching quality

  26. 展现关键技术和创新管理技能。

    Emerge with critical technology and innovation management skills .

  27. 这个团队应当包括领导和管理技能。

    The team should include leadership and management skills .

  28. 许多出借者认为小农场主是效率低的和缺乏管理技能的。

    Many lenders believe that small farmers are inefficient and lack management skills .

  29. 康复期精神分裂症患者的药物管理技能训练

    Effects of Medicine Control Skill Training on Schizophrenic Patients

  30. 应用计划协调技术提高管理技能

    Improving Management Level by Program Evaluation and Review Technique