
  • 网络SMO;object;managed object;management object
  1. 不要在管理对象上使用synchronized关键字

    Do not use the synchronized keyword in Managed Objects .

  2. 1句法以及MIB中常用到的管理对象。

    And the familiar managed objects of MIB .

  3. 如果刚好只有一个Spring管理对象符合该依赖的类型,那么它会被注入。

    If there is exactly one Spring-managed object matching the dependency 's type , then it will be injected .

  4. 示例应用程序使用该名称查找JMS受管理对象。

    The sample application uses the name to look up the JMS administered object .

  5. 这种基于接口的方法利用了Spring自动识别任何实现这些接口的Spring管理对象的能力,因而不再需要另外的配置。

    The interface-based approach takes advantage of Spring 's ability to automatically recognize any Spring managed object implementing those interfaces and therefore requires no additional configuration .

  6. Java™PersistenceAPI(JPA)是关于管理对象持久化到系数据库的一个规范。

    The Java ™ Persistence API ( JPA ) is a specification for managed-object persistence to relational databases .

  7. 虽然所有Spring管理对象都被默认地当作单例实例来处理,但有些时候还是有必要为某个对象指明一个备用的范围(scope)。

    While all Spring-managed objects are treated as singleton instances by default , it is sometimes necessary to specify an alternate " scope " for an object .

  8. 要结合使用MQ消息传递程序和JavaEE应用程序,必须定义一个或多个受管理对象。

    To use the MQ messaging provider with a Java EE application , you must define one or more administered objects .

  9. 我们必须首先理解这个GC不仅管理对象,而且还会维护对实际对象的一个单独的引用对象。

    We must first understand that the GC not only manages objects but also maintains a separate reference object to the actual object .

  10. 我们已经知道,每个JMS受管理对象必须在可以通过JNDI访问的目录中注册。

    We already know that every JMS administered object must be registered in a directory accessible via JNDI .

  11. 对某一管理对象的改变将自动反射到使用它的JavaJMS和非JavaXMS应用程序上。

    Changes to an administered object will automatically be reflected for both the Java JMS and non-Java XMS applications that use it .

  12. 但是,在多层的体系结构中,要跨多台机器和多个JVM管理对象实例,这会非常复杂。

    In a multi-tiered architecture , however , managing object instances across multiple machines and multiple JVMs can be quite complicated .

  13. 告警页显示EMS控制下的所有AP、网络元素和被管理对象。

    The Alarms Page shows all of the APs , network elements , and managed objects that are under the control of the EMS .

  14. JMX使用ObjectName语言注册和访问管理对象。

    JMX registers and accesses management objects using the ObjectName idiom .

  15. 应用程序使用JNDI查找它需要的各种JMS受管理对象,并使用这些对象来附加到WebSphereMQ消息提供程序。

    The application uses JNDI to lookup the various JMS administered objects it needs and uses these to attach to the WebSphere MQ messaging provider .

  16. ejbCreate初始化ApacheVelocity模板引擎上下文,并查看JMS管理对象、连接工厂和目标。

    EjbCreate initializes the Apache Velocity templating engine context and looks up the JMS-administered objects , the connection factory , and destination .

  17. 其实,PDS在同时执行许多单线程任务,并且注意在单个管理对象上产生的冲突。

    Instead , the PDS executes many of these monothreaded tasks simultaneously and watches for contention on the individual Managed Objects .

  18. 为了在仿真运行过程中对联盟、盟员以及RTI进行监控,HLA中引入了管理对象模型(MOM),该模型是HLA/RTI架构中的重要组成部分。

    The Management Object Model ( MOM ) is an important component of the High Level Architecture ( HLA ) / Run Time Infrastructure ( RTI ) .

  19. 在Java应用程序中,Java虚拟机(JVM)负责优化运行时行为、管理对象堆以及接合操作系统和硬件。

    In Java applications , the Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) is responsible for optimizing the runtime behavior , managing the object heap , and interfacing with the operating system and hardware .

  20. 管理对象模型提供了对RTI、联邦以及联邦成员进行监控和管理的机制。

    The Management Object Model provides the monitoring and control capabilities for the federation , the individual federates , and the RTI .

  21. 对于端到端Web服务质量监测模型,本文研究了监测模型的管理对象信息结构,并通过在服务器端与客户端分别注入代理,实现将代理获取的原始数据按照管理对象信息结构存储的方法。

    According to end to end service model , this thesis researches the managing objection information structure of monitor model , through the proxy in Server and Client , giving the approach that mete-data from proxy store as the managing objection information structure .

  22. XMS的查找功能完全可以引用Java应用程序中的管理对象,因此用户无需为XMS和JMS管理两个单独的资源集合。

    The lookup can refer to exactly the same administered objects as a Java application , so you do not need to administer separate sets of resources for XMS and JMS .

  23. 当@Resource没有显式提供名字的时候,如果根据默认名字找不到对应的Spring管理对象,注入机制会回滚至类型匹配(type-match)。

    When using @ Resource without an explicitly provided name , if no Spring-managed object is found for the default name , the injection mechanism will fallback to a type-match .

  24. GIS系统在景区的旅游信息系统中的地位非常重要,有了GIS系统作为基础,景区的大部分管理对象、管理要素和景观实物都可以实现虚拟可视化管理,显得更为形象和直观。

    GIS system plays an important role in the scenic tourist information system . With the GIS system as a basis , most of the scenic area management objects , elements of management and landscape kind can achieve the virtual visualization management , the more image and intuitive .

  25. 这个模型描述了适用于性能监视功能的被管理对象类别及其特性,建议G.784给出了与SDH网络单元相关的性能监视功能。

    This model describes the managed object classes and their properties for the performance monitoring function , as defined in Recommendation G.784 and as related to SDH Network Elements .

  26. 文章结合JDMK/MBean的组件和容器技术,给出了一种信息建模方法,采用虚实管理对象、主动对象和非递归遍历算法优化信息模型的数据存储与信息检索;

    A new kind of information modeling method is supported with component and container technology of JDMK / MBean , and information model 's data storage and its information search are optimized by the means of virtual and actual managed object , active object and non-recursive search arithmetic .

  27. 基于规则方法的管理对象行为形式化描述

    Formalized Description of Management Object Behavior Based on the Rule Approach

  28. 基于开放分布式处理的网络管理对象组织模型

    Object Organization Model Network Management Based on Open Distributed Processing

  29. 面向大型网络的多管理对象信息的组预取算法

    A Group-Prefetching Algorithm of Information for Multi-Managed Objects in WAN

  30. 一种面向管理对象的知识管理系统解决方案

    Solution of knowledge management system based on management object