
  • 网络Third party procurement;Third-party Purchasing;Third Party Purchasing
  1. 本文围绕E公司采购实践进行分析,论证了向专业第三方采购公司转变的有力的措施和注意问题。

    Demonstrating the measures and attentions about converting to be the professional third-party purchasing company .

  2. 第三方采购服务系统及其在药品采购管理中的应用

    Third-party Purchasing Service System & Its Application in Medicine Purchasing Management

  3. 用一个POS行业联合采购的案例论述了联合采购的实现过程,在案例中首次提出了以电子商务提供商阿里巴巴作为第三方采购联盟的联合采购模式。

    The case of allied stocking of POS industry discusses the process of carrying out the allied stocking and put forward the model of allied stocking which ALIBABA corporation as the supplier of electronic business is by way of the third party to ally enterprises for the first time .

  4. 专业第三方采购的出现给他们带来了希望,他们可以将采购任务交付到第三方来负责。

    The professional third party purchasing company brings the hope to them .

  5. 之后又分析了第三方采购与传统的采购在供应商管理方面的不同。

    After that comparing the traditional and the third-party purchasing in supplier selection and management .

  6. 本文对现行的一些第三方采购商评价方法进行了评述。

    To more active of third party procurement agency discussing the assessment method has been in progress the commentary .

  7. 将分析指出第三方采购公司必将成为趋势,成为供应链的组织者。

    The analysis pointed out that the third-party company will be the procurement trends and the organizers of the supply chain .

  8. 随着采购的作用日益凸显,第三方采购也越来越受到关注。

    Along with the increasing importance of sourcing , the third party purchasing ( TPP ) has attracted more and more attention .

  9. 企业做出第三方采购决策后,还存在选择评价第三方采购商的问题。

    The enterprise is making purchasing outsource policy , and still exists to select to appraise the question that third party procurement agency .

  10. 然后基于第三方采购,对公司的组织结构和管理流程进行优化设计。

    After then it given the operation flow and organizational structure design suggestion based on the third-party purchasing company procurement for E company .

  11. 第三方采购在我国还是新生事物,还需要在实践中不断地发展和完善。

    Third Party Procurement in our country is still a kind of newborn thing , and still needing constantly to develop and makes perfect in practice .

  12. 供应链环境下的第三方物流采购模式

    The stock of third party logistics pattern in supply chain

  13. 第三方物流采购的成功与否,将大大地影响企业的竞争能力和获利能力。

    Success or not in logistics purchasing , will greatly affect the enterprises compatibility and profitability .

  14. 第三方物流服务采购流程及实例分析

    Procurement Process of 3PL Service and Empirical Analysis

  15. 我国软件企业的成本构成中,第三方产品在采购中占较高比例。

    Within construction of cost , the products from third-party account for a higher proportion in the software enterprises procurement .

  16. 摘要以供应链上基于第三方物流的采购模型为基础,分析了在一次性付货和分批次运输货物的方式下,怎样满足供应链上总成本最小的要求。

    By the purchasing model based on third party logistics under supply chain management , this paper analyses how to minimize the total cost of supply chain in two methods of transporting the goods and compares the results under different conditions .

  17. 本文在介绍了第三方物流和第三方物流企业之后,剖析了企业传统的采购与销售模式存在的弊端,提出了企业如何通过第三方物流实现采购与销售。

    After introducing third part logistics and third part logistics enterprise , the article analyzes the shortcoming of traditional enterprise procurement and sale , and states how to fulfill procurement and sale in enterprise by third part logistics .