
zhú jié chónɡ
  • stick insect;leaf insect
  1. 那是一只愚蠢的竹节虫。

    It 's a silly old stick insect .

  2. 2007年,《华盛顿邮报》报道称,美国军方正在测试拆除地雷的机器人。它的形状就像一只竹节虫,用腿在雷区上行走,

    In 2007 , the Washington Post reported that the United States military was testing this robot that defused land mines . And the way it worked was it was shaped like a stick insect and it would walk around a minefield on its legs ,

  3. 竹节虫的生物学和生态学研究现状

    Present Research Outline on Biology and Ecology of the Phasmatodea

  4. 竹节虫是动物王国中的“伪装大师”。

    Stick bugs have some of the animal kingdom 's cleverest camouflage .

  5. 发现:婆罗洲岛竹节虫为世界最长昆虫。

    Scientist say stick bug is world 's longest insect .

  6. 中国重要竹节虫的鉴别、生物学及其防治

    Identification , Biology and Control of the Important Species of Phasmatodea in China

  7. 中国叶(虫修)一新种(竹节虫目:叶(虫修)科)

    A new species of leaf insect from China ( phasmatodea : phyllidae )

  8. 目(竹节虫目)的昆虫具有很强的断肢再生能力。

    Phasmatodea is a group of insects with strong regeneration ability of leg autotomy .

  9. 一只母麦克里妖怪竹节虫在辛辛那提动物园的一条树枝上仔细思考。

    A female Macleay specter stick insect pauses on a branch at the Cincinnati Zoo .

  10. 大型的柱状或平面的主要为热带的昆虫,长腿,以植物为食;竹节虫和叶虫。

    Large cylindrical or flattened mostly tropical insects with long strong legs that feed on plants ; walking sticks and leaf insects .

  11. 竹节虫科昆虫任一种竹节虫目昆虫,包括叶虫和竹节虫,在热带地区尤为常见,颜色和外形都很象叶子。

    Any of various insects of the order phasmida , including the leaf insects and walking sticks , especially common in tropical areas and resembling foliage in color and form .

  12. 英国科学家于上周四称,在婆罗洲群岛发现的一种身长超过1英尺的竹节虫为目前世界上最长的昆虫。

    A stick bug from the island of Borneo measuring well over a foot in length has been identified by researchers as the world 's longest insect , British scientists said Thursday .

  13. 伦敦自然历史博物馆的研究员保罗•布洛克称,毫无疑问,这种竹节虫是目前世界上最长的昆虫。

    Paul Brock , a scientific associate of the Natural History Museum in London unconnected to the insect 's discovery said there was no doubt it was the longest still in existence .