
  • 网络kiln site;kilns
窑口 [yáo kǒu]
  • [kilneye] 窑的口;石灰窑出石灰的口

  1. 德化地区不同窑口青花瓷的质子激发Χ射线荧光分析

    Proton Induced X-Ray Emission Analysis of Blue and White Porcelain from Different Kilns of Dehua

  2. 根据考古资料表明,一个相对大片区各窑口的产品大致相同、互相影响,却也各有特色。

    According to the archaeological materials , products of the kilns in a relatively large region were similar .

  3. 延长窑口寿命的技术改造

    Technical Modification for Prolonging the Service Life of Kiln Exit

  4. 河南境内发现的北朝瓷器有青瓷、白瓷、黑瓷等,其窑口和产地主要有巩县铁匠炉瓷窑、洛阳“洛京窑”、安阳相州窑等。

    The porcelain of Bei dynasty discovered in Henan province consists of the celadon , the white and the black porcelain etc.

  5. 氧化铝烧结工艺现场,由于环境因素复杂,窑口高温、噪音伴随多粉尘,这都给现场声音的采集、传输及终端设备的维护带来困难。

    Due to the complexity of environmental factors , acquisition and transmission of sound , the maintenance of terminal equipment are difficult .

  6. 结果表明,出自不同窑口的古耀州瓷的胎,有着长期稳定的、集中的原料产地。

    The conclusion is that the ancient Yaozhou porcelain bodies produced by different kilns , have long shared a stable and concentrated raw material sources .

  7. 第五部分,探讨临汝窑与周边主要窑口的关系,梳理了临汝窑青瓷的源流及其对周边瓷窑的影响。

    The fifth part studied relations of the Lin Ru between the major kilns and the neighboring , carding a temporary Ru kilns around the origin and its impact .

  8. 在新型干法水泥烧成系统中,窑口用耐火材料的质量直接制约着水泥烧成系统的运转率和水泥熟料的产量。

    In burning system of the new dry cement , the burning systems work ratio and clinkers production were restricted directly by the quality of the refractory for outlet .

  9. 这样以来,不仅可以将唐三彩与奈良三彩严格地区分开来,而且也有助于对中国各大不同窑口产品的研究。

    This approach can help us not only easily to identify the tri-coloured pottery of Nara in Japan , but also to study the products or various pottery kilns in China .

  10. 结果表明:这批釉色迥异、出自众多不同窑口、不同时间烧制的古汝瓷有着长期、稳定、基本相同的原料来源。

    The trend cluster diagram is obtained . The result shows that the ancient Chinese Ru porcelains were most probably from the same raw material source though they were from different time , fired in different kilns and in different colors .

  11. 另外,古陶瓷样本化学组成数据隐含着重要的窑口和年代信息,通过对这些数据进行深入地挖掘分析可以实现对陶瓷样本进行科技鉴别,弥补传统鉴别方法的不足。

    In addition , ancient ceramic samples chemical composition data implied important information of the kilns and ages . By analyzing deeply these data , we can achieve technology identification of the ceramic samples , thereby making up for the shortcomings of traditional identification method .

  12. 随着科学工作者对陶瓷研究的深入,目前已积累了大量古陶瓷样本的各种测试分析数据,这些数据与陶瓷窑口、年代、类别等基础信息,都需要进行梳理和管理。

    With the deepening of ceramics research , we have accumulated a large number of ancient ceramics samples test and analysis of data , these data and other basic data such as ceramic kilns , ages , and categories were needed to be combed and managed .

  13. 两者都是一代名窑,各有千秋,都为后世的窑口提供了大量的学习的经验和可操作的技术,同时对后世的创新也起着举足轻重的作用。

    Both are a generation of well-known kilns , each has its own merits , and each has provided a vast bulk of learning experience and operational technology for the later kilns , at the same time , plays a decisive role on the innovation of later generations .

  14. 煅烧回转窑窑口掉砖探讨

    Discussion on the problem of kilneye brick dropping of calcination rotary kiln

  15. 回转窑窑口熔渣清除装置的研制

    Development of Clearing Device for Slag in Entrance of Kiln

  16. 回转窑窑口内衬改造方法

    Lining reconstruction at the entrance of rotary kiln

  17. 水泥窑前后窑口、冷却机前端、湿法窑链条带等高温耐磨部位及其它工业炉窑内衬。

    Hood of cement kiln door , divisible furnace , chain zone , cooler , hind kilnnozzle etc and liner .

  18. 具有悠久瓷器生产历史的巩窑,是我国古代北方烧制白瓷的3个代表性窑口之一。

    Gong kiln , for its long porcelain-firing history , was one of three representative white porcelain kilns in northern China .

  19. 从煅烧回转窑运行过程中热胀冷缩引起砖缝的变化,以及钢筒体对砖产生的应力等方面,分析窑口掉砖的原因。

    The causes of the problem of kilneye brick dropping has been discussed based on the changes of brick gaps caused by the expanding with heat and contraction with cold during the operation of the calcination rotary kiln .