
  1. 宏观税率是调节宏观经济的重要工具。

    Macro-tax rate is an important tool in adjusting macro-economy .

  2. 各相关税种存在诸多弊端,征税范围偏窄,税率偏低,调节力度不够。

    All kind of related taxes have many malpractice , the tax bases is more narrow , the tax rate is more lower and the strength of regulation is more weak .

  3. 目前我国证券交易流转税存在着征税范围过窄、税率偏高、宏观调节功能缺位等缺陷。

    There are some shortcomings in current Chinese stock exchange turnover tax : levy scope is too narrow , tax rate is too high , the function of macroscopical adjustment is invalid , and so on .