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Qín jìn
  • the amity between Qin and Jin (sealed by a marriage alliance between the two royal houses)—a marriage alliance between two families
秦晋 [qín jìn]
  • [marriage between two families] 原指春秋时秦、晋两国世通婚姻,后泛称任何两姓之联姻。亦指双方和睦相处

  • 永结秦晋之好

  1. 高收入者与其他高收入者结为秦晋。

    High earners marry other high earners .

  2. 秦晋大峡谷

    The Qin-Jin Grand Canyon

  3. 秦晋两省黄河沿岸方言的关系及其形成原因秦晋两省黄河沿岸方言词汇中的语音变异

    The relationships among the dialects of the areas along the Yellow River in Qin-Jin Provinces and reasons of its formation

  4. 秦晋之间的强强联合,以秦穆公为主线的婚姻关系中,双方平分秋色,具有阶段性特点。

    Qin Jin combination , the Qin mu Gong is the main line , the two sides were evenly divided , with the stage characteristics .

  5. 从商业运作、商务管理、乡土文化继承与传播等各方面利益考虑,秦晋商人在全国范围内建立了大量会馆。

    In order to manage their business in a more effective way and to spread the local culture , they established numerous guild halls throughout the country .