
  • 网络Nafion;Membrane;Ionic membrane;ion- exchange membrane
  1. 10万吨/年F2型离子膜法烧碱装置

    100,000 t / a F_2 Type Membrane Cell Installation for Caustic Soda Production

  2. 钛在100kt/a离子膜烧碱设备中的应用

    Application of Titanium in 100 kt / a Membrane Caustic Soda Equipment

  3. pH值分析仪在离子膜装置中的应用

    The application of pH analyzer in ion-exchange membrane facility

  4. F2型离子膜电解槽活性涂层的最佳经济寿命

    Optimum economical service life of active coating for F_2-style ion-membrane electrolyzer

  5. PLC在离子膜片碱生产中的应用

    Application of PLC in Ion Membrane Caustic Production

  6. ICP法测定离子膜液碱中的Ca、Al、Si

    Determination of Ca , Al , Si in Ionic Membrane by ICP

  7. 离子膜烧碱DCS控制系统的改造

    Innovation of DCS controlling system of ionic membrane caustic soda

  8. SiO2和Al对离子膜电解槽的影响

    Influences on ionic membrane electrolyzer from SiO_2 and Al

  9. AB可编程序控制器在离子膜制碱工艺联锁中的应用

    Application of AB programmed controller in link of caustic soda produced by ionic membrane process

  10. TPS系统在离子膜烧碱装置中的应用

    Application of TPS system in ionic exchange membrane caustic soda units

  11. 添加物对βPbO2离子膜电极表面形貌的影响

    Influence of Additives on Surface Structure of β PbO_2 Ion-membrane Electrode

  12. DD型复极离子膜单元槽检修技术

    Service technique of DD bipolar membrane element

  13. 离子膜上化学镀βPbO2

    Process of Electroless β PbO_2 Plating on Ion-membrane

  14. 隔膜法和离子膜法烧碱生产中氯氢处理扩改及并轨工艺某氯碱厂PVC生产过程中职业性有害因素调查与评价

    Process for extending and combining chlorine and hydrogen treatment system in production of diaphragm caustic soda and that in production of ion-exchange membrane caustic soda

  15. 引进意大利DeNora公司2万t/a离子膜烧碱装置技术总结

    Summary on 20 kt / a ion-exchange membrane caustic soda facility and technology imported from De Nora Company of Italy

  16. 介绍了DCS在离子膜制碱工艺中的应用及常用控制方案的实现和运行效果。

    The application of DCS in the production process of ion-exchange membrane caustic soda , the realization of common controlling plans and the practical results are introduced .

  17. 电极添加剂Nafion乳液对离子膜燃料电池放电性能的影响

    Effect of Nafion latex taken as electrode additive on discharge property of ion exchange membrane fuel cells

  18. 离子膜电解槽用纳米Ni-Mo合金阴极的制备及其催化析氢性能

    The preparation of nano-Ni-Mo alloy cathodes for ion-exchange membrane electrolyzers and their catalytic hydrogen evolution property

  19. SQP并行优化算法在离子膜烧碱生产中的在线优化

    On - line optimization of priority algorithm paralleling with SQP in the production of ion - exchange membrane caustic soda

  20. 金属氧化物涂层阳极(DSA)与离子膜电槽的应用给电解能耗的降低带来了一个崭新的时代。相比之下,阴极过电位已成为影响电解能耗的决定性因素。

    The metal oxides coating of anode ( DSA ) and ion-membrane bath can greatly reduce electrolytic energy consumption , so it could be said the cathodic overpotential has already become the decisive factor for reducing electrolytic energy consumptions .

  21. LD0.32单极式离子膜电解槽样机的设计、制作及运行

    Summary on the design , manufacture and running of a sample of ion-exchange membrane monopolar cell LD0.32

  22. 基于支持向量机工具的性能劣化建模方法F-8020型离子膜的劣化及其废弃膜的再生

    Performance degradation model based on support vector machine Fouling process of ion-exchange membrane of F-8020 and regeneration of the deteriorated membrane of chlor-alkali industry

  23. 充分利用大型离子膜电解槽使用过的旧膜和原有隔膜电解槽整流装置,研制开发成功LD0.32单极式离子膜电解槽。

    The ion-exchange membrane monopolar cell LD0.32 was developed successfully , which made full use of the old membrane in large scale ion-exchange membrane electrolyzer and the old rectifier for diaphragm electrolyzers .

  24. 离子膜电解法处理低浓度二氧化硫废气

    Recovering Sulfur from Low-concentration SO_2 Flue Gas with Ion Membrane Electrolysis

  25. 离子膜装置运行中几个问题的探讨

    Inquiry of several problems on operation of ionic exchange membrane units

  26. 离子膜和隔膜电解槽电流效率分析

    Analysis on the current efficiency of ion-exchange membrane and diaphragm electrolyzers

  27. 旭化成改进型离子膜复极单元槽检修技术

    Check and repair technique of AK modified bipolar ionic membrane element

  28. 氯碱离子膜发展近况

    The recent developments of membrane used in chlor - alkali cell

  29. 离子膜法制烧碱生产中废气的处理方法

    Methods of tail gas treatment in ionic membrane caustic soda production

  30. 钨酸钠离子膜电解槽的研究

    Study on the Electrolysis Cell of Sodium Tungstate Ion Exchange Membrane