
shén qí
  • magic;magical;miraculous;mystic;mystical;supernatural;peculiar
神奇 [shén qí]
  • [magic;miraculous;mystic;supernatural] 非常奇妙的

  • 拿着这张神奇的纸就可以和我一样通行无阻

  • 这一切初听起来过于神奇怪诞,却正反映了人民对屈原的无限怀念之情。--《长江三峡》

神奇[shén qí]
  1. 圣克鲁斯岛位于南加利福尼亚海岸附近,在这里居住着一种神奇的物种,叫作岛屿灰狐。

    Just off the coast of Southern California sits Santa Cruz Island , where a magical creature called the island fox   dwells .

  2. 那女人立刻去寻找那颗神奇的种子。

    The woman went off at once to look for that magical seed .

  3. 没有一个达到完美婚姻的神奇方法。

    There 's no magic formula for a perfect marriage .

  4. 他今天施展不出神奇的踢球技巧。

    He couldn 't find his magic touch with the ball today .

  5. 好像有一股神奇的力量在人群中间开出了一条通道。

    A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic .

  6. 信任是维系我们相互关系的神奇力量。

    Trust is the magic ingredient in our relationship .

  7. 第二记入球真是神奇。

    The second goal was sheer wizardry .

  8. 这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。

    This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power .

  9. 有神奇减肥效果的瘦身点心是一个骗局。

    Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con

  10. 故事从一个哥特式悲剧升华为神奇的童话。

    The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale .

  11. 米克尔森被誉为美国高尔夫球界的神奇小子。

    Mickelson was hailed as the wonder boy of American golf

  12. 他因发明了神奇的视听效果而出名。

    He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects .

  13. 我们乘车穿越这片有着湖泊及森林的广袤而神奇的土地。

    We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests .

  14. 对这篇记述中那些颇具神奇色彩的部分也不应全信。

    The more miraculous parts of this account should be taken with a pinch of salt .

  15. 这种社会主义说到底并不能提供实现富足和人格尊严的神奇方案。

    This socialism does not after all offer a magic formula for prosperity and human dignity .

  16. 剩下的就只是栽上玫瑰,然后等大自然施展她的神奇魔力。

    All that was left was to plant the roses and wait for nature to do her stuff .

  17. 他们的父母有着一种近乎神奇的能力,能够洞悉他们的孩子脑子里在想些什么。

    Their parents had an almost preternatural ability to understand what was going on in their children 's minds .

  18. 你仔细听,就会注意到每一个词都是那么的神奇,令人惊叹。

    As you listen , you notice how every single word is imbued with a breathless sense of wonder .

  19. 他人相信圣物的神奇力量。

    They believe in the miraculous power of holy / sacred relics .

  20. 这些古代传说被人们渲染上一层神奇的色彩。

    Through the ages , these legends have acquired an element of mystery and wonder .

  21. 但是,另外一半名称所代表的另一种成分可能名声就要差一些了,但却具有神奇的说服力:可乐果。

    But the other half of the name represents another ingredient , less infamous , perhaps , but also strangely potent : the kola nut .

  22. 从她的描述中,中医听上去仿佛有着神奇的力量,能够制造奇迹。

    From her description , Chinese medicine sounded as if it had magic power that worked wonders .

  23. 太神奇了。"他抬头看着父亲,脸上洋溢着活力和喜悦。

    It 's amazing . " He looked up at his father , his features overflowing with energy and delight .

  24. 第三,我们会有很棒的工具,让神奇的事情成为可能。

    And third , we 'll have great tools which will make amazing things possible .

  25. 有礼貌的人总是用这些神奇的词语和别人很好地交流。

    People with good manners always communicate with others well by using these magic words .

  26. 笔是一种神奇的工具。

    The pen is a magic tool .

  27. 丝绸之路沿线世界著名的历史名都和丰富多彩的文化真是太神奇了。

    The world-famous historic capitals along the Silk Road and the colorful culture are really fantastic .

  28. 看看神奇的岩石形状。格雷梅最美丽的就是这些不寻常的岩石形状。

    See the magical rock shapes These unusual rock shapes are the most beautiful part in Goreme .

  29. 每年,世界各地的游客都会来参观大自然创造的神奇艺术。

    Every year , tourists around the world come to see the amazing art made by nature .

  30. 四十年前,没有人能想象一个拥有微型电脑和神奇智能手机的世界。

    Forty years ago , no one could imagine a world with tiny computers and amazing smartphones .