- 名phosphate

Effect of Phosphate on Arsenate Adsorption by Brown Soil
The amounts of trace S and P in puffed food were determined by ICP-AES with high pressure nitrifying pot to transfer into sulfate and phosphate .
Hydrolysis-precipitation characteristics of aluminum (ⅲ) solution and the role of phosphate radical
Adsorption of phosphate by Fe (ⅲ) immobilized on collagen fiber
Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Phosphorus in H_2O_2 by Phospho-Molybdenum Blue
Indirect Method of Determination of Sulfate and Phosphate in Puffed Food by ICP-AES
The effect of phosphate absorption on Cu , Zn , Cd secondary adsorption and desorption in three variable charge soils was studied .
Zr (ⅳ) - MTB-CTAB-LA System Catalytic Spectro Photometric Method for the Determination of Trace Phosphate
Studies on the surface acid-base properties and phosphate adsorption behavior of gibbsite (γ - Al ( OH ) _3 ) and α - Al_2O_3
Study on Interference and Its Elimination of Phosphate Ion during Determining Calcium by FAAS
In addition , the influences of concentration , phosphate ion and pH values on the interaction of TBT and DNA were also investigated .
Free of the influence of phosphate ion and reducing agents such as vitamin C and so on , this method is especially suitable to the determination of Silicon in biological meterials and mineral water .
The effect of the phosphate anion on the stabilization of hydrate in magnesium oxychloride cement ( MOC ) was investigated by the method of XRD .
By comparing the hydrogen bond occupancy , we found that most hydrogen bonds for non-specific complex had a direct interaction with phosphate , and had little contribution to the direct base sequence recognition .
After phosphate adsorption , for yellow brown soil , the rate of Cu2 + secondary adsorption reaction decreased ;
The interaction of water molecules with the calcium and phosphate sites has also been studied at the HAP-water interface .
For red soil the fast reaction rate of Cu2 + secondary adsorption also decreased , but the rate of slow reaction increased .
The main interaction sites of Hoechst 33258 is between base pairs of A and T. Mineral bath make impacts on massage , restrain , repercussion and acesodyne by the specificity and non-specificity of mineral water on human body ;
Determination of Chloride , Sulfate and Fluoride in the Flue-Curd Tobacco by Ion Chromatography Indirect Method of Determination of Sulfate and Phosphate in Puffed Food by ICP-AES
A simple ideal thermodynamic model of hydrolysis precipitation of alumnium (ⅲ) inthe presence of phosphate radical was established according to the results of base titration experiments and mechanism of phosphate radical action on hydrolysis precipitation processes of alu-minium (ⅲ) .
Adsorption of the zeolites to phosphoric ions may be related to a weak bonding action of Al in the zeolitic anionic framework with phosphoric ions , besides that it is related to exchangeable Ca 2 + of the zeolites .
On this basis , PPFS can be made by introducing sulfate radical .
Generally phosphorus is determined by weigh method and calcium is determined by EDTA titration after phosphate radical has been separated . The analytical process is long and unfavorable to quality Controlled .
The high corrosion resistance of the amorphous Ni-P alloy deposits is attributed to the phosphorus enrichment on the surface and formation of a protective barrier layer as a hypophosphite anion or a compound Ni_2P .
Therefore , phosphate and arsenate competition the surface adsorption sites , so that the arsenic removal rate decreased .
For nickel sulfate system , initially crystal sodium sulfate was removed by cooling the solution down to room temperature , and subsequently HPO ~ ( 2 - ) _3 was precipitated and removed by addition of Ca ( OH ) _2 at room temperature .
Precipitated and separated phosphate radical with bismuth nitrate , CaO and MgO in filtrate are de-terminated by EGTA-EDTA titrimetry , The method is simpler and more accurate than the traditional one .
With calcium acetate as precipitating agent , the effect of phosphite ion removal under different temperature , dosage , pH value and reaction time were investigated , meanwhile , the dephosphorization effect when using Ca ( OH ) 2 and CaO as precipitating agent were also discussed ;
EDTA titration method has been improved to determine sulfuric acid radical ion , eliminating the interference of Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + and other heavy metallic ions , CO 2 - 3 and PO 4 3 - .
The N / P ratios ( molar ratio of free amino groups in polycation to phosphate groups in DNA ) within the multilayers are proved to be elevated by increasing either the pH difference between the two deposition solutions or the pH value of the outmost deposition solution .