
  • 网络Knowledge Network;Knowledge Grid
  1. 该模型具有较高的语义层次以及较好的Web适应性,可以通过图的方式,对分布式知识网络进行建模。

    Toward web applications , it models the distributed knowledge network at a higher semantic level and by a graphic way .

  2. 在此基础上,企业版增加了更多的集成、cheatsheets以及与SpringSource知识网络的集成支持。

    The enterprise version adds further integration , cheat sheets , and integrated support with the SpringSource knowledge network .

  3. 如果参与者很少,但非常活跃且分散到整个企业,那么仍然可以成长为一个有价值的Web知识网络。

    If participation is sparse , but active and well distributed across the enterprise , a valuable network of Web knowledge will still grow .

  4. 以RedRover为例,早已赚了160万美元,证明其模式为其他公司整合其内部社会知识网络而收费是可行的。

    Red rover , for example , has already made $ 1.6 million , proof that its model charging companies to integrate their in-house social knowledge network works .

  5. 在本文模型中,通过对文档集的学习,词之间和文档之间的潜在语义被提取出来,从而构造出Markov知识网络,然后,我们利用Markov网络学习到的潜在语义信息进行检索。

    Our model learns from document set , and extracts latent semantics between index items and between documents through singular value decomposition to construct a Markov knowledge network .

  6. 构建知识网络,重视横向思维;

    Set up the knowledge network and value the horizontal thinking ;

  7. 基于产学研知识网络的企业知识获取与技术创新研究

    Knowledge Acquisition and Technological Innovation of Corporates Based on Production-learning-research Network

  8. 基于知识网络维力提升的企业核心竞争力培育

    Cultivation of Corporation Core Competence Based on Knowledge Dimension-Force

  9. 基于知识网络的虚拟参考咨询

    The Virtual Reference Service Based on the Knowledge Network

  10. 帮助学生构建数学知识网络

    Assisting Students in Constructing the Network of Mathematics Knowledge

  11. 知识网络的最后报告和其它文件-英文

    Final reports and additional documents of the knowledge networks

  12. 基于语义知识网络的文书档案修复方法

    Administrative Archives Restoration Method Based on Semantic Knowledge Network

  13. 产品创新中的知识网络表示模型及关键知识研究

    The Research of Knowledge Network Model of Production Innovation and its Key Knowledge

  14. 第二,数据需要进行整合以重建一个疾病知识网络。

    Second , data need to be integrated to construct a disease knowledge network .

  15. 基于多主体的复杂产业知识网络动态演化研究

    Multi-Agent-Based Dynamical Evolution of Complex Industrial Knowledge Networks

  16. 集聚建立起一个全国性的知识网络并与国外相似的项目保持紧密联系。

    To gather a national knowledge network in close connection with similar projects abroad .

  17. 基于自组织理论的知识网络结构演化研究

    Research on the Evolution of Knowledge Network from the Perspective of the Self-organization Theory

  18. 知识网络的构建过程分析

    The analysis for construction processes of knowledge networks

  19. 知识网络与哈耶克的知识观

    Knowledge Network and the Knowledge Viewpoint of Hayek

  20. 三构建知识网络框架;

    Making up the knowledge network frame ;

  21. 科学知识网络的形成与演化(Ⅰ):共词网络方法的提出

    Formation and Evolution of Science Knowledge Network (ⅰ): A New Research Method Based on Co-word Network

  22. 知识网络研究综述

    Review of research into knowledge network

  23. 加强图书馆知识网络化建设;

    Strengthening automatic network construction ;

  24. 本文还探索了企业孵化器知识网络中知识转移行为的调控参数,对各调控参数对知识转移行为的影响进行了仿真分析。

    Besides this , the paper also explores control parameters for improving knowledge transfer behaviors within the network .

  25. 对创新集群的结构进行了深入分析,将其结构抽象为知识网络、产业网络、价值网络和服务网络四大网络。

    By further dividing its structure into knowledge networks , industrial networks , value networks and service networks .

  26. 涉及若干主题的专门知识网络对证据进行审核并向委员会报告其研究结果。

    Dedicated Knowledge Networks covering a number of themes reviewed the evidence and reported their findings to the Commission .

  27. 本文提供了大量、详实的数学知识网络,可供广大数学教师参考。

    The following paper provides a lot of detailed information about the network of mathematics knowledge for mathematics teachers .

  28. 具体实施方案:第一阶段构建知识网络,优化、整理知识结构。

    In the first stage , construct the net of knowledge , merit and arrange the structure of knowledge ;

  29. 知识网络的诞生与发展,给大学图书馆的参考服务带来严峻的挑战。

    Internet based information services network have brought great challenges to the " reference services " of the university libraries .

  30. 基于所得的仿真结果,本文分析了欧洲创新接力联盟和硅谷-新竹知识网络联盟。

    Based on the simulation results , we analyzed the Innovation Relay Centre and Silicon Valley-Xin Zhu Knowledge network Alliance .