
  • 网络Knowledge transfer
  1. ERP实施中知识转移模式与策略研究

    Study of Knowledge Transfer Model and Strategy in ERP Implementation

  2. 内部知识转移在跨国公司实施ERP过程中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Internal Knowledge Transfer in ERP Implementation of Multinational Corporations

  3. 成功的知识转移是决定ERP项目成败的核心因素。

    Successfulknowledge transfer is the key factor that decides ERP project 's success .

  4. 基于知识转移的ERP实施方法与策略研究

    Research on Knowledge Transfer-Based ERP Implementation Methods and Strategy

  5. 中国企业对发达国家FDI的逆向知识转移

    Studying on the Reverse Knowledge Transfer in FDI of Chinese Enterprises to developed Countries

  6. ERP实施中的知识转移研究

    Research on Knowledge Transference During ERP Implement

  7. ERP关键用户向实施顾问知识转移影响因素研究

    Research on Influence Factors of Knowledge Transfer from Key User to Implementation Consultant in ERP

  8. 但由于RD联盟企业对知识转移过程及其产生的风险认识不足等,常常导致RD联盟的不稳定和创新效率低下。

    R & D alliance enterprises lack of understanding on knowledge transfer process and its awareness of the risks , which leads to its instability and innovation inefficiencies .

  9. 第三章详细分析了ERP实施过程中的知识转移过程,分析了实施过程中知识转移的必要性,提出了知识转移的目标,对实施过程的知识转移过程进行了价值分析。

    In chapter 3 , the paper analyses the process of knowledge transfer in detail , the necessity , the object , and it 's value in ERP implementation .

  10. 企业间人际信任、知识转移对供应商参与NPD绩效的影响模式研究

    The Impacting Model of Interpersonal Trusting and Knowledge Transfering to the Effect of Supplier Involvement in NPD

  11. 最后,根据相关变量对高校知识转移价值增值进行了实证研究,运用SPSS统计软件对问卷调查结果进行统计分析。

    Finally do an empirical research on the value-added of universities ' knowledge transfer using the relative variables , survey results were analyzed using SPSS statistical software .

  12. 严格筛选项目组成员,注重知识转移,构建学习型企业,重视产品培训,一级领导大力支持,可以帮助企业ERP顺利上线、规避风险、提高ERP的实施成功率。

    We come to the conclusion that selecting the right members of project group and transferring knowledge with much recognition can help the enterprise ERP run smooth and enhance the implementation success ratio .

  13. 识别知识转移服务类技术中介的影响因素,结合网络化、专业化发展趋向,通过问卷调查SPSS分析,为我国转移类技术中介的发展提供了现实依据及发展路径。

    Identified effect factors of knowledge transfer technological intermediary , combined the network specialization and with research questionnaires and SPSS analysis , provided the realism proofs and developing ways .

  14. 构建图书馆联盟环境下知识转移效益评价的一、二、三级指标,并用专家调查法和AHP层次分析法分析并确定各指标的权重。

    Construction of library consortia environment , knowledge transfer efficiency evaluation of one , two , three indicators are used and expert investigation method and AHP hierarchy analysis method , and determine the weight of each index .

  15. 这些环境部长呼吁研发更多技术用于对抗气候变化,并在SAARC成员国之间实施更好的技术和知识转移。

    The ministers called for more technology to fight climate change and better technology and knowledge transfer between SAARC member states .

  16. 第8章以DCT公司与DFM公司新型绝缘材料联合开发为例,分析了企业在合作创新过程中采取的降低知识转移粘滞的举措和开展的知识整合活动。

    Chapter 8 takes the joint development on the new insulating material of DCT Company and DFM Company as an example , to analyze the activities to reduce KTS and develop knowledge integration in cooperative innovation process .

  17. 接着通过SPSS统计软件进行实证数据分析,根据数据结果和相关案例对组织内部知识转移绩效进行评估,归纳出产生低绩效的原因并相应提出一些可行的对策和措施。

    Then , through the data from SPSS statistical software for analysis of empirical and the relevant case to assess performance on knowledge transfer within the organization , summarize the reasons for poor performance arising out of and propose some possible strategies and measures .

  18. 本文从企业的视角来研究,主要目的在于探讨影响B2B客户知识转移的主要因素和客户知识转移的绩效指标,并在此基础上研究影响因素和B2B客户知识转移绩效之间的关系。

    On the view of enterprises , the main purpose of this article is discussing the main affecting factors and performance indexes of B2B customer knowledge transfer , and studying the relation between the affecting factors and indexes . This article starts with review of abundant literature .

  19. 自从Teece(1977)首先提出知识转移的概念之后,知识转移逐渐成为知识管理领域的一个重要分支,随后涌现出了大量关于知识转移的研究。

    Teece brought forward the concept of knowledge transfer in 1977.Since then , knowledge transfer has been an important embranchment in knowledge management field . There are abundant study upon it all over the world .

  20. 多事业部企业内的知识转移过程及影响因素分析

    Analysis on Knowledge Transfer Process and Influencing Factors in Multiunit Companies

  21. 国外知识转移模型的研究进展

    A Review on Study of Knowledge Transfer Model in foreign countries

  22. 试论产业聚集区的知识转移

    On the transfer of knowledge in industrial cluster zones Knowledge Industry

  23. 隐性知识转移、共享的激励机制研究

    Motivation mechanism design for the transfer and share of tacit knowledge

  24. 技术联盟中的知识转移与技术创新能力积累

    Knowledge Transfer and Accumulation of Technical Innovation Capabilities in Technology Alliance

  25. 基于认知结构的图书馆联盟内知识转移研究

    Research on Knowledge Transfer within Library Alliance Based on Cognitive Structure

  26. 基于复杂网络的知识转移模拟与分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Knowledge Transfer Based on Complex Network Theory

  27. 全球制造网络中知识转移过程及影响因素研究

    The Research of Technology Transfer Processes in Global Manufacturing Networks

  28. 需求工程的知识转移模型与策略研究

    Research on Knowledge Transferring Model and Strategies for Requirement Engineering

  29. 论战略联盟中的知识转移&基于动态能力的观点

    Knowledge Transfer in Strategic Alliances : Based on the Dynamic Capabilities View

  30. 项目环境中知识转移的策略研究

    The Model and Strategy of Knowledge Transfer in Project Environments