
  • 网络Direct Line
  1. 利用PC机与MCS-51单片机,设计并实现了直线电话计费系统。

    This paper devise and complete a direct line telephone charging by MCS-51 single chip computer and PC.

  2. 你们有我直线电话的。

    You have my direct line .

  3. C:好主意。我们把负责人的姓名、头衔和直线电话号码都告诉来电话的人。

    A : In addition to giving the caller the name and number of the person to whom you are connecting the call , give your name and repeat your number as well .

  4. 你可能会有直线电话。

    Maybe you had a direct line .

  5. 史密斯先生有直线电话吗?

    Smith have a direct line ?

  6. 多路直线电话计费管理系统是一种为适应宾馆、酒店需求而开发出来的一种电话通讯管理系统。

    Multi-line telephone billing management system is to meet the hotel , the hotel needs a developed telephone communication management system .

  7. 正如一位博客作者昨天建议的那样:他们应该起诉教皇,因为教皇有上帝的直线电话(因此本应预测到地震)。

    As one blogger yesterday suggested : What they need to do is sue the Pope : he has a direct line to God .

  8. 此外还提供的无线上网服务、直线电话、传真、电脑数据端口以及各种视听设备均能满足您举办各种商务会议的需要。

    For business events , our technological resources include wireless Internet , direct telephone and fax lines , data port for computer hook-up , as well as state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment .

  9. 市政运营的救护车会在接到911急救电话后出车。和它们不同的是,私人救护车公司有自己的直线电话号码,提供的服务包括将病患从医生的办公室转移到医院,或是送临产孕妇就医。

    Unlike city-run ambulances , which respond to 911 emergency calls , private ambulance companies have their own direct phone numbers and will , among other services , transport ill patients from their doctor 's offices to hospitals or take women in labor to hospitals .

  10. 直线和内线电话的问候标准。

    Standards greeting for direct line and internal line .