
  • 网络Baihetan Dam
  1. 白鹤滩水电站的两台发电机组已投入运行。

    Two generating units at the Baihetan hydropower station have been put into operation .

  2. 中国白鹤滩水电站的主体结构建设已经完成。

    Construction of the main structure of China 's Baihetan Hydropower Station has been completed .

  3. 该技术与三维可变形离散元法相结合,在白鹤滩水电站进水口高边坡三维可视化和应力变形分析中进行了应用。

    Combined with the discrete element method for deformable bodies , the technique has been well applied to the water intake high slope in Baihetan Hydropower Station .

  4. 世界最大水轮发电机组将在位于金沙江下游的乌东德水电站和白鹤滩水电站的基础上进行建设,设计方案有望于年内完成。

    Based on Wudongde and Baihetan hydropower stations along the lower reaches of the Jinsha River , the design work of the world 's largest hydropower generating units will be completed within this year .

  5. 作为仅次于中国三峡大坝的世界第二大水电设施,白鹤滩水电站预计每年将产生超过620亿千瓦时的电力,减少近5200万吨二氧化碳排放。

    As the world 's second largest hydro facility after the Three Gorges Dam in China , it 's expected to generate more than 62 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year , reducing carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 52 million tons .

  6. 最后将这种方法应用在白鹤滩与洛古水电站边坡工程。

    In the end , this method application in the Bai-he Tan and the Luo-gu hydro-power slope engineering .