  • flood;high water
  • 江河定期的涨水:~期。~情。防~。桃花~(桃花盛开时发生的河水暴涨。亦称“桃汛”)。

  • 洒:~扫(a.洒扫;b.扫除,清除)。

  • 古同“讯”:~地(中国清代兵制,凡千总、把总、外委所统率的绿营兵均称“汛”,其驻防巡逻的地区称“汛地”)。


(河流定期的涨水) flood; high water:

  • 春[秋]汛

    spring [autumn] floods;

  • 防汛

    flood control;

  • 汛情严重。

    The flood (situation) is serious.

  1. 防雷避雷技术在水文测验与报汛中的应用

    Application of Lightning Protection Technology to Hydrological Telemetry and Flood Reporting

  2. 汛是指江河等水域的季节性或周期性的涨水现象。

    Flood period is seasonal or periodic flood rise phenomenon of rivers .

  3. 本文以汛潮公司办公自动化系统的建设为背景,介绍了办公自动化(简称OA)的概念、基本特征和发展,并简单介绍了OA相关技术,包括群件技术、电子邮件技术、工作流技术及协同计算。

    In this paper , the concept , basic character and development of OA are introduced and its related technologies including group-ware , electrical mail service , workflow and cooperative computation are shown briefly .

  4. 由于目标小天体和地面站之间存在较长的通汛延迟,加之小天体的动力学环境复杂多变,传统的基于深空网的导航、制导与控制(GNC)模式已不再适合探测器着陆小天体。

    Due to long communication delay between target asteroid and base stations and complex mutable dynamic environment of small body , the traditional GNC mode based on deep space network ( DSN ) is no more suitable for landing spacecraft on small body .

  5. 从汛的旷野起行,安营在脱加。

    They left the Desert of Sin and camped at Dophkah .

  6. 广西报汛方式现状及发展规划设想

    Existing situation and developing plan imagination of the Guangxi FP way

  7. 公式简明易用,并得到汛后工程实测资料验证。

    The equations are verified by measured data of practical engineerings .

  8. 适合《水情信息编码标准》报汛系统的开发研制

    Development of information transmission system adapted to Standard for Hydrological Information Code

  9. 北方城市利用绿地滞蓄汛雨的分析与研究

    Study and Analysis on Greenbelt 's Floodwater - storing in the North City

  10. 长江水情报汛自动化风险分析与应对措施

    Risk analysis of water regime forecast automation of the Yangtze river and countermeasures

  11. 从红海边起行,安营在汛的旷野。

    They left the Red Sea and camped in the Desert of Sin .

  12. 苏州河防汛墙景观规划研究

    Study of Planning for the Landscape of Flood Prevention Wall for the Suzhou River

  13. 径流式水电站应以下泄流量决定报汛段次探讨

    Discharge shall be the decisive factor of flood reporting interval for runoff hydropower plant

  14. 苏州河防汛墙建设中环境保护的研究和措施

    Study and Measures of Environmental Protection in Construction of Suzhou River Flood Control Wall

  15. 浙北梅汛期末次暴雨分析

    The Analysis of the Last Heavy Rain of Mei-yu Period in the North Zhejiang Province

  16. 梅汛季节江苏省短期降水场的客观、定量预报方案探讨

    A short-range objective forecasting method for the rainfall distribution in Jiangsu Province in Mei-yu period

  17. 用气象要素预报浙江冬季带鱼汛汛期进展的尝试

    A preliminary study on the forecasting hairtail season by meteorological factors in Zhejiang in winter

  18. 报汛站水位远程自动测报系统的设计

    The Design of Water Level Remote Automatic Measure and Forecast System for Forecast Flood Center

  19. 哥拉汛哪,你有祸了。

    Woe unto thee , Chorazin !

  20. 外滩通道工程盾构穿越苏州河防汛墙影响分析

    Analysis on Influence of Shield Crossing Suzhou River Flood Control Wall of the Bund Tunneling Project

  21. 新茧呢,现在蚕汛不好,茧价开盘就大。

    As for new cocoons , it had been a bad season and quotations were high .

  22. 苏州河防汛墙(护岸)工程的功能分析及若干建议

    Functional Analysis and Some Recommendations of the Suzhou Creek Flood Control Wall ( Bank Protection ) Project

  23. 河南省防汛抗旱指挥系统报汛通信组网方式分析

    Analysis on the Modes of Flood-reporting Communication Network of Henan Flood Control and Drought Relief Command System

  24. 苏州河防汛墙(护岸)工程是该项目的一个子项目。

    The Suzhou Creek flood control wall ( bank protection ) Project is a sub-item of the item .

  25. 福建春季开汛时间变化特征及其与后期降水量关系

    Variations of the Spring Rain Season Onset Time in Fujian Province and its Relationship with the Subsequent Precipitation

  26. 原来亚兰的首城是大马色,大马色的首领是利汛。

    8 for the head of Aram is Damascus , and the head of Damascus is only Rezin .

  27. 论清初云南汛塘制度的形成及特点

    A Study of the Formation and Features of Xun Tang System in Yunnan Province in the Early Qing Dynasty

  28. 数百年来,杨汛桥镇一直是用于中国葬礼仪式中的锡箔纸的制造中心。

    For centuries , Yangxunqiao has been a centre for manufacturing the foil papers used in Chinese funeral rites .

  29. 当时亚兰王利汛收回以拉他归与亚兰,将犹大人从以拉他赶出去。

    At that time , Rezin king of Aram recovered Elath for Aram by driving out the men of Judah .

  30. 闽南地区灯光围网夏汛渔获量预报的一种新方法

    A new method for the forecast of catch of purse seine with light attraction in Minnan District in summer fishing seasons