
  • 网络Herniation
  1. 内壁骨折极少引起内直肌嵌顿,下壁骨折中下直肌嵌夹及疝出则常见;

    Incarceration and herniation were few in medial orbital wall fracture , but often in orbital floor fracture ;

  2. 肠管或网膜可能沿引流物疝出。

    Bowel or omentum may herniate alongside the drain .

  3. 方法对31例眼袋伴下睑眶缘凹陷者,将疝出的脂肪回纳固定到眶下缘并进行眼轮匝肌缩短重塑术。

    Methods31patients were cured by returning the herniated fat to the orbitalcavjty and shortening the orbicular muscle .

  4. 隆乳术后假体疝出的治疗假体隆乳术后并发症的防治

    Repair of postoperative hernia in breast augmentation The prevention and cure of complications after augmentation mammaplasty with implants

  5. 阐述了额肌、皱眉肌和降眉肌的眉毛动力机制,探讨了老年性外侧眉毛下垂主要由于外侧的滑动脂肪垫向下疝出所致。

    How frontalis , corrugator and procerus act on the eyebrows were discussed , and mechanism of lateral eyebrow ptosis was analyzed .

  6. 椎体后缘骨软骨病基础上的间盘疝出造影显示髓核显影饱满,呈现椭圆形或马蹄形,同时伴有向后突出的阴影。

    The discograms showed that the nucleus pulposus was well-stacked such as ovary or C form , and bulging image also existed in patients with RDH in osteochondrosis of posterior vertebral edge .
