
  • 网络Electronic cloth;electronic fabric
  1. 通过电子布居分析,发现在电子给予体O原子和电子接受体H原子间存在氢键。

    By population analysis the hydrogen bonding is found between the electron donor O atom and the electron acceptor H atom .

  2. 它们属于D∞h点群.具有特殊的结构,用电子布居分析和振动模式分析来研究这种特殊结构。

    They belong to the D ∞ h point group and have unique structures . The electron population and vibrational mode analysis were carried out to study their unique structures .

  3. 受激拉曼绝热通道(STIRAP)为我们提供了一种有效转移原子与分子中电子布居的方法。

    Stimulated-Raman-adiabatic-passage ( STIRAP ) process provides an effective technique to transfer electron population for both atoms and molecules .

  4. 受激拉曼绝热通道(STIRAP)是一种运用两束或两束以上部分重叠的激光来诱导原子或分子中电子布居转移的方法。

    The technique of stimulated-Raman-adiabatic-passage ( STIRAP ) is a method of using partially overlapping pulses ( from pump and Stokes lasers ) to produce complete population transfer between two quantum states of an atom or molecule .

  5. 电子布处理剂中的泡沫、稳定性和应对

    Foam in and stability of finish for electronic fabrics and appropriate solution

  6. 激光诱导的四能级系统电子布居转移

    Laser induced four-level system population transfer

  7. 对电子布化学处理而言,由于织物结构所致也需要采用提高润湿性的手段来提高处理品质。

    Due to fabric structure , it is also necessary to take measures to improve the wettability of fabrics to enhance finishing quality .

  8. 我们用虚频的数目(0或1)来判断物种是稳定构型还是过渡态,并用电子布居分析来阐明反应过程。

    The number of imaginary frequency was utilized to confirm whether the species is a local minimum or a transition state , and the population analysis was used to enucleate the reaction mechanism .

  9. 应用振动模式分析充分研究了所有反应通道,并确认了过渡态。应用电子布居分析讨论了电子再分配,并阐明了反应机理。

    All reaction channels were fully investigated with the vibrational mode analysis to confirm the transition states and with electron population analysis to discuss the electron redistribution , and to elucidate the reaction mechanism .

  10. 在早期的实验和理论研究中,人们着重关注在极化平面上光电子布居几率随方位角的变化,光电子角分布随着激光偏振状态的变化所展示的不同特点。

    Early experimental and theoretical study of photoelectron population in polarization plane with respect to azimuth angle was reported ; the main result was focus on showing angular distribution different , when changing polarized direction of laser fields .

  11. 电子自旋布居高度集中在Co(6)及其周围的配体原子上,而Cu(1)则没有发现电子自旋布居;

    The spin populations of electrons are predominantly located on the Co ( 6 ) atom and its neighbours , no population is found on the Cu ( 1 ) atom .

  12. 蓝宝石的近边精细结构和电子数布居分析

    Analysis of near edge fine structure and electronic populations in Sapphire

  13. 限制势对氢原子电子的布居影响

    The Influence of Confined Potential Enery on Hydrogen System

  14. 通过对不同激光场强条件下的电子态布居转移,研究得到了泵浦光、探测光强度与各电子态布局转移分布的关系。

    By studying the electronic state populations under different laser intensities , we got the relationship between laser intensities and populations .

  15. 具体研究内容主要有如下几方面:系统地研究了处于不同分子轨道的电子空间布居随时间的变化过程。

    And the specific research work mainly includes the following parts : We systematically investigate the time-evolution of the spatial distribution of electrons in different molecular orbits .

  16. Al的能量吸收边缘和电子粒子数布居分析

    Analysis on energy absorption edge and electron populations of Al

  17. 电子自旋主要布居于八面体环境的Ni(1)中心上,而处于四方配位环境的Ni(2)中心则没有发现电子自旋布居。

    , the paramagnetic configuration . The spin populations of electrons are predominantly located on the Ni ( 1 ) center in octahedron coordination and no any population is found on the Ni ( 2 ) center in tetragonal coordination .

  18. 纺粘/水刺电子无尘擦拭布的开发

    Development of spun-bonded / spun-laced nonwoven wiping cloth for lint-free electronics

  19. 改善电子玻璃纤维布电绝缘性能的途径

    Ways of improving electrical insulation performance of E-glass fiber cloth

  20. 其中的高能电子处于过布居状态,具有很高的激发能力。

    There existed an over-population of high-energy electrons and the excitation power of the source was very high .

  21. 以时钟同步和定时触发为基础,实现了直线插补、圆弧插补、电子齿轮等分布式运动控制功能。

    Line interpolation , circular interpolation and electronic gear have been achieved in the foundation of time synchronization and timer trigging .

  22. 在量子态的调控方面,本论文提出了一个包含了Stark效应和邻近电子态影响的布居转移模型。

    For the quantum state manipulation , a model for controlling the population trans-fer between the electronic states is discussed , and the effects of the Stark shift and neighboring electronic states on the population transfer are considered .

  23. 我国电子级玻璃纤维布生产现状及市场预测

    Electric grade GF cloth production status and market prediction in China

  24. 国内外电子级玻璃纤维布生产及市场现状分析

    Analyses on electronic glass fabric production and market at home and abroad

  25. 电子级玻璃纤维布的技术发展新动态

    The Technological Development Status of Electronic Grade Glassfiber Cloth

  26. 电子级玻璃纤维布表面处理技术

    Surface Treated Technology of Glass Fibre for Electric Work

  27. 通过计算,得出了保护该雷达的电子攻击信号源布站区域。

    By calculation , the collocation field for protecting the radar signal is presented .

  28. 本文简单介绍了我国电子级玻璃纤维布生产现状及市场前景。

    Production status and market prediction of electric grade GF cloth in China are presented in this paper .

  29. 要更进一步提高我国电子级玻璃纤维布的产量、质量和品种规格,这些问题必须不断加以改进。

    To further increase the production , quality and product types of electronic glass fabrics , these problems must be corrected continually .

  30. 无碱玻璃纤维在喷气织机上织造的工艺研究是国内电子级玻璃纤维布生产厂家非常关注的核心技术问题之一。

    The technological research of non-alkali fiberglass weaving on air-jet loom is one of the key matters concerned deeply by the domestic electronic-grade fiberglass cloth manufacturers .