
  • 网络Thyroid dysfunction;Thyroid disorder
  1. 视神经受压是甲状腺机能障碍的眼病之一种罕见的并发症。

    Optic nerve compression is a rare complication of dysthyroid eye disease .

  2. 甲状腺机能障碍在成长儿童中也表现为身体和大脑发育迟缓。

    Thyroid dysfunction can manifest in growing children too in the form of mental and physical retardation .

  3. 有时身体疾病或其他精神状况可能表现出抑郁症状。甲状腺机能障碍在成长儿童中也表现为身体和大脑发育迟缓。

    Sometimes a medical illness or another psychiatric condition can masquerade as depression . Thyroid dysfunction can manifest in growing children too in the form of mental and physical retardation .