
  • 网络anglerfish;Angler;angler fish;frogfish
  1. 那人捉住一条琵琶鱼。

    The man caught an angler .

  2. 随着我们的下潜,我们注意到了琵琶鱼。

    As we descend , we take note of the angler fish .

  3. 女孩:激怒琵琶鱼?你要拿它们干什么?

    Girl : Angry anglers ? What do you want ' em for ?

  4. 雄性琵琶鱼虽然只有6.2毫米大小,但它的一生都寄居在其配偶的身体上。

    A 6.2 millimeter male anglerfish spends its life buried in the body of its mate .

  5. 琵琶鱼会摇头晃脑,让它头上的肉瘤看起来像条虫子,并等着其他鱼上钩。

    An anglerfish wags its head until its fleshy protuberance shimmies like a worm and baits other fish .

  6. 奇特的海生物图片画廊。琵琶鱼,穿着一些最多的引人注目的色彩和装饰华丽的身体的装饰品在海洋。

    Frogfish , also called anglerfish , wear some of the most striking colors and ornate physical adornments in the ocean .

  7. 当毫无提防的猎物进入攻击距离时,琵琶鱼会以迅雷不及掩耳之势俯冲下来,用其强有力的大嘴突然猛咬住猎物。

    When the unsuspecting animal is within striking distance , the anglerfish is down with a lightening-fast snap of its powerful jaws .

  8. 北美大西洋海域出产的大头琵琶鱼或安康鱼或华脐鱼的肉。他们也可以品尝到淋满了鱼子酱的大鱼头。

    Flesh of a large-headed anglerfish of North American Atlantic waters . Or they can try fish topped with a generous helping of caviar .