
  • Wang Jing;【人名】Jing Wong
  1. 东方证券(OrientSecurities)驻上海分析师王晶说,中海油的情况与另两家石油公司有很大不同,投资者因此应对其保持乐观。

    Wang Jing , an analyst for Orient Securities in Shanghai , says Cnooc 's situation'is very different from the other two oil companies . Therefore , investors should be optimistic about it .

  2. 中国二月份票房收入的冠军是《澳门风云2》(也以英文名TheManfromMacauII发行),这是一部由王晶导演的赌博喜剧,其月度票房收入为1.04亿美元。

    Taking the Chinese box office crown for February was From Vegas to Macau II ( also being released under the title The Man from Macau II ), a gambling comedy directed by Wong Jing , which brought in $ 104 million .

  3. 该部影片由王晶导演,大陆演员黄磊主演。

    Wong Jing directs the movie and mainland actor Huang Lei is the leading actor .

  4. 无论是反对还是支持,不难发现大家都承认王晶喜剧电影的一个特点:他的电影很少充斥着家长式的说教,取而代之的是一种典型的娱乐主义精神。

    Either support or against , it is not difficult to find that everyone acknowledged that Jing Wong comedy movies one characteristic : his film rarely filled with paternalistic lecturing . Instead it is a kind of typical entertainment spirit .

  5. 王晶虽然作品数不胜数而且有很多经典作品,但他却从不以电影导演自居,反而时时为自己正身:我当然是一个商人。

    Although Jing Wong works a lot and has a lot of classic , but he has never said he is a film director , instead , he said : as I am I , of course , is a businessman .

  6. 由香港资深导演王晶执导的奇幻大片《封神传奇》,刘德华参演的《澳门风云3》以及香港著名导演王家卫执导的《摆渡人》三部影片齐获“最令人失望影片”。

    Fantasy blockbuster League of Gods , veteran Hong Kong directing duo Wong Jing and Andrew Lau 's The Man From Macau III and See You Tomorrow , whose executive producer was famous Hong Kong director Wong Kai-wai , jointly won the award for Most Disappointing Film .