
tè xǔ zhènɡ
  • license;charter;special permit;charter of concession
  1. 坎贝尔获得特许证,于是这家新瑞典公司成立了。

    Campbell obtained a charter and the new Swedish company was formed .

  2. 他第二次当选连任总统时,反对联邦银行的特许证(于1836年到期)延期。

    When he was reelected for a second term , Jackson opposed renewing the Bank 's charter , which was due to expire in 1836 .

  3. 自英国国王亨利六世(HenryVI)在1449年授出史上第一份专利特许证以来,这个制度一直就是这样的。

    It has been that way since Henry VI awarded the first English letters patent in 1449 .

  4. 你得不到特许证就不能使用这些文件。

    You can 't use these files without obtaining a release .

  5. 现在,发放给船只的特许证减少,而且告诉船长们可以放慢速度。

    The line is chartering fewer ships , and telling captains to go slower .

  6. 可是州外的收集者却要提交特许证或警察发给的证书。

    In contrast , out-of-state processors were required to submit title certificates or police certificates .

  7. 1974年以前,收集废品领取补助不需要任何特许证。

    Prior to 1974 , no title certificate was needed by the scrap processor in order to claim the bounty .

  8. 这些机构投资中国银行间债券、以及回购协议等货币市场工具时,不再需要特许证。

    These institutions no longer require licences to invest in Chinese interbank bonds , as well as money market instruments such as repurchase agreements .

  9. 贯彻《行政许可法》,应当定位在授予采矿经营特许权、颁发《采矿经营特许证》。

    It goes on to look at that the implementation of " Administrative licensing law " should award the managerial franchise and license of mining .

  10. 特许飞行证适航审查中应考虑的主要方面

    Main Factors Ought to be Considered during the Airworthiness Examination of the Special Flight Certificate

  11. 而且还有特许结婚证&你当然要用特许结婚证结婚的。

    And a special licence . You must and shall be married by a special licence .

  12. 从欧盟微软案析欧盟竞争法对支配地位滥用行为的规制第十九条猎捕者应当按照特许猎捕证、狩猎证规定的种类、数量、地点和期限进行猎捕。

    The Regulation on Abuse of Dominant Position Analyzed Article 19 Anyone engaged in the hunting or catching of wildlife shall observe the prescriptions in his special hunting and catching license or his hunting license with respect to the species , quantity , area and time limit .