- oxbow;yoke

[yoke] 给(牲畜)在脖子上配大小适当的颈箍以防走脱
The marine sand levees 100 to 2000m long and 40 to 700m wide are developed along the north coast of the island and take on banded or oxbow distributions .
Characters and description of lithological reservoir of oxbow lake deposits
A ploughman loosed his oxen from the plough , and led them away to the water to drink .
A ploughman yoked2 his ox and his ass3 together , and set to work to plough his field .
While he was absent a half-starved wolf appeared on the scene , and went up to the plough and began chewing the leather straps1 attached to the yoke2 .
As he gnawed3 away desperately4 in the hope of satisfying his craving5 for food , he somehow got entangled6 in the harness , and , taking fright , struggled to get free , tugging7 at the traces as if he would drag the plough along with him .
A wooden frame bent in the shape of a U ; its upper ends are attached to the horizontal yoke and the loop goes around the neck of an ox.
Oxbow lakes , the floodplain , dry streams and tributaries , waves beating against the shore .
In an urban landscape called " Mortlake terrace " the intensity of the sunlight seems to dissolve the river wall .
Plant area was distributed over Quaternary system alluvium and deposit of oxbow lake facies , base rock is Tertiary red rock .
A method for prediction of oil potential of the oxbow lake deposits is developed based on reservoir thickness , amplitude and frequency .
Study of the basic geological characters for reservoir in Zhuang 106 survey area reveals that the reservoir is a lithological one of oxbow lake deposits .
There are some softer accumulation horizon in the ox-bow lake and season river on the huge mucky soil of alluvial and lacustrine deposits in accumulation terrace around Dongting lake .
Oxbow Lake is a special lake at the sides of the river in plain or high-plain areas , which plays an important role in the formation of wetlands around this river as well as the changes of ecosystem through the effect of soil moisture around it .