
diē dì
  • daddy
  1. 别慌哦Lily!爹地来救你!

    Don 't worry , lily ! Lily , daddy 's coming for you !

  2. 查莉,告诉妈咪和爹地怎么了。

    Charlie , tell mommy and daddy what 's the matter .

  3. 为什么?你是个坏爹地吗?

    Why , daddy * Were you beeing a bad daddy ?

  4. 她也知道我爹地天天酗酒。

    She knew about Daddy , who was drunk every day .

  5. 我跟她们说她们的爹地也那样爱她们。

    I told them their daddy loved them that much too .

  6. 爹地,现在可以陪我玩“毁灭兄弟”了

    Dad , I 'm ready to play " smash bros. "

  7. 你爹地、我和你的275个兄弟姊妹。

    Your dad , me , your 275 brothers and sisters .

  8. 爹地,耶诞节送我小狗好吗?

    Daddy , am I gonna get a puppy for christmas ?

  9. 不,告诉爹地,你做独生子很开心

    No. Tell Daddy you 're happy being an only child .

  10. 告诉爹地你爱她然后说再见。

    Tell daddy that you love him and say goodbye .

  11. 但这一次,爹地救不了你了。

    But this time , daddy isn 't here to save you .

  12. 爹地产生更多幻觉了,我们走吧。

    Daddy 's having more hallucinations . let 's go .

  13. 爹地说他有重要的工作要做。

    Daddy says he has an important job where important things happen .

  14. 爹地,可以请你帮我吹大这个气球吗?

    Daddy , could you please blow up this balloon for me ?

  15. 爹地,我们藏好了,但是你没来找我们。-

    Daddy , we hided , but you didn 't seek . -

  16. 他们搞糟了你,你妈咪和爹地。

    They fuck you up , your mum and dad .

  17. 爹地,你是来接我回家的吗?

    Daddy , have you come to take me home ?

  18. 我爸好开心。蒂莎,爹地。

    He 's so happy , Tess . ( Gasps ) Daddy !

  19. 爹地总是在早餐吃一片面包。

    Dad always has a piece of bread for breakfast .

  20. 是啊,其实,你爹地是对的。

    Yeah , actually , your father does have a point there .

  21. 抱他一下,他毕竟是你的爹地

    Give him a cuddle . He is your daddy after all .

  22. 爹地从山崖上掉下来啦然后梆梆梆

    Daddy fell down a cilff and got BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM ..

  23. 我必须,宝贝,爹地必须要做。

    I have to , baby , daddy has to .

  24. 「爹地,我们到底到不到得了美国啊?

    Daddy , will we ever get to America ?

  25. 妈咪跟爹地最好赶快来接你回家。

    Mommy and daddy better come get you soon .

  26. 爹地,这是我们俩最后在一起的周末。

    Daddy , it 's our last weekend together .

  27. 爹地,可以借我10块钱吗?

    Daddy , may I please borrow $ 10 ?

  28. 你最好在爹地看到以前把这里弄乾净。

    You 'd better get this mess cleaned up before Daddy sees it .

  29. 爹地,什么雨都不能阻止我们

    Daddy , nothing can rain on my parade .

  30. 爹地妈咪一定好好看着你长大。

    Daddy and mummy will take care of you .
