- hot tear;heat crack;heat check

In addition , the small amount Ti added , can prevent the heat check during casting , decrease the corrosion between crystalline in the anode .
Development of a New Multifunctional Device for Testing Linear Shrinkage and Stress and Heat Check of Cast Alloy
Large-scale Plasmid DNA Preparation by Flow-Through Thermal Lysis
Influence of Casting Temperature on Hot Cracking of Directionally Solidified Al-Cu Alloys
Digested thermal denaturalization method for transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction of serum specimen
Pyrolytic Gas Chromatography Analyzes Vinyl Acetate Content in EVA
Zirconium increases hot tearing trend slightly in low content and strongly in high content ;
The CAX simulating and defect predicting technology based on CAD & CAE software is established .
Study of Influence of the Solidification Characteristics of Al-Si Casting Alloys on the Hot Tearing
Effect of pulsating electromagnetic field on hot cracking of Al Cu alloys
The Hot Cracking Mechanism of 316L Stainless Steel Cladding in Rapid Laser Forming Process
The results indicate that Si and La can reduce the hot cracking tendency of Al-4.5Cu ;
Effect of 0.2 % Ce Alloying on Hot Tearing Trend of Cast Al-Cu Alloys
The results showed that TCS steel had good cold cracking resistance and crystal hot cracking resistance .
The result find that V decrease the hot-cracking tendency , Zr increase it and the tendency of hot-cracking is smallest while Mn is 0.7 % .
Therefore it has been shown that a small amount of La addition can reduce the tendency o the Al-4 % Cu alloy to hot tearing .
Some trace content of RE ( Ce ) can remarkably increase the fluidity and decrease the tendency of hot cracking of Al Cu cast alloy .
Increasing Al content decreased the hot tearing susceptibility of Mg-Al binary alloys remarkably and enhanced the microhardness of α - Mg matrix .
The main synthesis method of PCS were constant pressure cycle pyrolysis , high pressure , normal pressure catalyze and normal pressure pyrolysis .
Effects of Investment Casting Processing on Hot Tear of Ni_3Al Thin Wall Castings and Numerical Simulation
Study on the Fluidity and Hot Tearing Behavior of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr Alloys
On the basis of the research , the characteristics of the influence of Mn and Re on the susceptibility to hot cracking in weld metal of 25 & 20 type austenitic stainless steel were obtained .
It is concluded that the satisfactorily simulated agreement with experiment results is obtained . The CAX technology is able to guide production .
Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-Zn-Y-Zr Alloys
The maximum reduction of area of containing nitrogen steel was at ( 1 050 ) ℃, and the high plastic deformation region shrunk with increasing nitrogen content in steel . Therefore modifying deformation model to increase process plasticity is an available way to increase the quality of retaining ring .
The results show that the maximum CSCs will be found when alloying elements reach 2.5 % Cu for Al-Cu , 0.32 % Si for Al-Si and 25 % Zn for Al-Zn respectly .
The effects of die structure on hot tear tendency of Al-Cu alloy in squeezing casting have been investigated , and the feeding mechanism of dross trap used for hot spot in die in squeezing casting has been discussed .
This study includes : the influence of process variables and alloying elements on hot cracking susceptibility of surfacing deposits , the influence of alloying elements on hardness of surfacing deposits .
Reactive pyrolysis gas chromatography ( Py-GC ) in the presence of an organic alkali , tetramethylammonium hydroxide (( CH3 ) 4NOH , TMAH ), was applied to the compositional analysis of natural resin shellac .
The influence of chemical composition , inclusion and Pouring temperature on the tendency of hot tear formation of A3 steel is analyzed based on high temperature mechanical property and hot tear ring testing for continuous casting of small square billets used as common material A3 steel .