
  1. 一些像羊肉和菠菜之类的食物,被视为“热性”食物,其它如大白菜及小红萝卜等,则被视为“凉性”食物。要注意热性或凉性的食物都不能吃太多。

    Some foods , such as goat meat and spinach , are seen as " hot , " while others , such as Chinese cabbage and radish , are seen as " cold . " One should be careful not to eat too much of either " hot " or " cold " food .

  2. 而热性及凉性食物摄食的多少,则应视时令、烹饪方式、烹饪调料及个人体质而定。

    However , how much hot or cold food one should eat depends on the time of the year , how the food is prepared and what it is prepared with , and the individuals health .