
  1. 我超爱炸土豆泥

    I am crazy for tater tots .

  2. 这些炸土豆是土豆泥球做成的。

    The fries are made from pellets of pulverised potato .

  3. 您想要一个烤土豆,还是炸薯条或土豆泥呢?

    Would you like a baked potato , French fries or mashed potatoes ?

  4. 布什夫妇的食谱通常是炸鸡排、土豆泥和玉米卷,午餐是西红柿汤和三明治。

    The Bushes were served chicken-fried steak , mashed potatoes , soft tacos and , for lunch , tomato soup and sandwiches .