
wěi yú
  • tuna
  1. 我们今晚的特价餐是鲜酥章鱼和煎封夏威夷Ahi鲔鱼排。

    Our specials this evening are Fresh Crispy Calamari and Seared Hawaiian Ahi Tuna .

  2. EPA和DHA最佳来源是冷水鱼,像是鲑鱼、鲔鱼、沙丁鱼、鳀鱼、和鲱鱼。

    The best sources of EPA and DHA are cold water fish such as salmon , tuna , sardines , anchovies , and herring .

  3. 结果试验组37例服用鲔鱼油后,各分测验量表得分及记忆商与试验前比较均有明显的提高,差异有显著性(P值均小于0.01);

    After 30 days ' administration , compared with those before administration the trial group 's CMS marks and Memory Quotient ( MQ ) were significantly increased .

  4. 鲔鱼油对人体记忆的影响研究

    Study of Ihe Effect of Tuna Oil on Juveniles ' Memories

  5. 那你可以带点黑鲔鱼回来给我们吗?

    So can you bring some bluefish tuna back for us ?

  6. 一份鲔鱼沙拉三明治和一杯牛奶。

    A tuna salad sandwich and a glass of milk .

  7. 关心龙虾,就能让喜爱海鲜的饕客不理会鲔鱼?

    Does considering the lobster allow seafood lovers to disregard the tuna ?

  8. 我觉得鲔鱼离子没什么关系。

    I 'm not sure tuna ions are a thing .

  9. 那你爸一定有补过黑鲔鱼吧?

    I am sure your dad has caught bluefish tuna before right ?

  10. 我们有鲔鱼罐头、鲑鱼罐头以及像桃子这样的水果罐头。

    We have canned tuna , salmon , and fruits like peaches .

  11. 鲔鱼是容易腐败的,所以日本人都是趁新鲜时吃它的。

    The tuna is putrefactive , so the Japanese eat it freshly .

  12. 此时,有一只鲔鱼向他们游了过来。

    Then , a tuna swam up to them .

  13. 老先生和小木偶爬到鲔鱼背上。

    The old man and the puppet climbed onto the tuna 's back .

  14. 黑鲔鱼超珍贵的,还不一定捉的到呢。

    Bluefish tuna is very precious ; we may not even catch one .

  15. 你在海鲜区可以找到鲔鱼。

    You can find tuna in the seafood section .

  16. 鲔鱼游得很快,一下子他们就到了岸边。

    He could swim very fast . Soon , they came to the shore .

  17. 结论鲔鱼油可明显提高人体的记忆能力。

    Tuna oil can improve juveniles memories .

  18. 别拉长脸,这是我的拿手鲔鱼惊喜。

    It 's my famous Tuna surprise .

  19. 主要三种口味为「香煎鸡肉」、「鲔鱼」、和「牛蒡蔬菜」。

    The major three tastes are Fried Chicken , Tuna , and Burdock with vegetables .

  20. 而如今该党却发现,在鲸鱼和鲔鱼问题上,自己招致了国际社会的大肆挞伐。

    Yet it now finds itself courting international disapproval both over whales and over tuna .

  21. 唉,这点你是无能为力,鲔鱼悲伤地说。

    Well , there is nothing you can do about it , @ the tuna said sadly .

  22. 大西洋黑鲔鱼可长三米长,重达六五○千克。

    Atlantic bluefin can grow three meters long and weigh as much as six hundred fifty kilograms .

  23. 黑鲔鱼在日本属于高价位食材,是日本人的料理文化中不可或缺的一部分。

    Bluefin tuna is a high-priced food ingredient in Japan , and an integral part of the Japanese .

  24. 我只点了咖啡,她却端给我鲔鱼和四盘的薯片。

    All I ordered was coffee , she brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries .

  25. 奶及罐装鲔鱼都是经处理后较安全或可以保存更久的例子。

    Examples of foods that are made safer or have a longer shelf-life through processing are UHT milk and canned tuna .

  26. 男孩给了他两条新鲜的小鲔鱼,或叫青花鱼,现在它们都像铅垂似的挂在两条垂得最深的在。

    The boy had given him two fresh small tunas , or albacores , which hung on the two deepest lines .

  27. 报导又补充水产厅目前并没有任何科学数据,证明鲔鱼数量正在减少中。

    The agency does not currently have any scientific data that shows there numbers of the fish are falling , it added .

  28. 妻子:是呀。别拉长脸,这是我的拿手鲔鱼,给你惊喜。

    Wife : Yes , I did . Don 't pull such a long face . It 's my famous Tuna surprise .

  29. 什锦生菜、鲔鱼、黑橄榄、珍珠洋芋、四季豆、鯷鱼、蛋。佐主厨特制油酱。

    Lettuce , tuna , black olive , potato , French beans , anchovy and boiled egg , with chef vinaigrette seasoning .

  30. 从每周至少吃三次鱼开始吧。这些鱼包括鲑鱼,沙丁鱼,鲭和鲔鱼等。

    Eating at least three servings a week of fish such as salmon , sardines , mackerel and tuna is a good start .
