
  • 网络Brilliant Legacy;Shining Inheritance
  1. 灿烂的文化遗产,共同构成了人类文明,应该由全人类共享与呵护。

    Splendid cultural heritages , no matter where they originated , together constitute the civilization of humanity and should be enjoyed and cherished by human beings everywhere .

  2. 孝道,是东方灿烂的文化遗产,是儒家乃至整个中华民族伦理道德观念里最核心的部分。

    The filial morality is the most important part of the core of the eastern brilliant cultural inheritance and so it is with the Confucianism . The filial is as well as the most important of the entire Chinese ethics moral concept .

  3. 中华民族有着辉煌灿烂的建筑文化遗产。

    China is a nation with a splendid ancient architectural civilization .

  4. 中国与希腊都拥有灿烂的古代文化遗产,中国神话和希腊神话一样反映出古代人民丰富的想象力。

    Both China and Greece have long history with rich cultural heritage . Chinese myth as well as Greek myth reflects the creative imagination .